Chapter 28: Eating and Teasing

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Maira's POV:


I get out of my bed groaning and cursing myself for deciding to go early today. I maybe not be the best morning person you meet. I remember when I used to go to school, one of the guards from the security would always say how I am so sad in the morning as if I have been thrashed whereas while leaving the school, it would seem like I have won Oscars. You can't really blame me, the thought of school wasn't really tempting unless you start High School. That's when the real fun begins.

I make myself a cup of coffee and taking it in a mug with me, I move out of the house. Since, it's quite early everyone is still in their room except mom, but thankfully I escaped without her knowledge, else I would have literally been thrashed for over-working and not having breakfast but just a coffee empty stomach.

I reach my office and am drowned in my own world, when I see people swarming in as the time for work starts. It's around 10 when the office phone starts ringing.


"Ma'am someone is here to meet you and he is not tel-."

"Who's it?" I cut her off.

"Sir, may I know your name- ...Sir! Sir! You can't en-"

What the hell is going on!

Before I can actually go outside and ask this question, I hear commotion outside my office. Well, now I realise the importance of glass doors. I could have known by now what is going on if I were in my previous cabin.

Before I leave my chair, the office door opens and I see a known face. His hair all over the place.

"Sir! Sir! I need you to leave. You can't just barge in." I see the receptionist coming in behind running after him.

"I will take care of it, you may leave." I say this but my eyes haven't yet left the grey eyes, since they have captured mine after entering the office.

It is now that I realise that yesterday I was supposed to know of their decision. In all this shifting and work, I cannot believe it slipped my mind.

"Hey! Take a seat."

"Why weren't you answering your phone?" Seems like we are in a hurry. Okay then!

I look at my phone to infact see few missed calls from him yesterday night and today morning.

"I didn't realise. I was busy with work."

I see Jai moving inside and the door closes behind him. His eyes aren't leaving mine. There's something different in those eyes today and I am unable to pinpoint them.

"What about yesterday night?"

"At night like normal people I sleep...sorry to disappoint you but I am not a vampire."

Jai takes a seat just opposite to me.

"You cannot do what you just did ever again." I say.

"Huh!?" He finally seems to come out of his daze.

"Jai, you cannot barge into my office like you did right now. This is my work space and I won't tolerate such nuisance." I say reading the file in front of me, well trying to read the file in front of me.

"Maira, I wanted to talk to you urgently and I tried calling you but you weren't picking up the call. So, I came down here ."

"Jai, did you come down here because I wasn't picking up your call?" I don't know what shocked me more, that I missed Jai's call, or he came here because I missed his calls. A small smile found its way on my lips looking at flustered Jai sitting there scratching his neck.

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