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It was the night of your birthday yet you were the one tied up. You were eager to know what Tom had gotten you for your birthday. In fact maybe a little too eager, hence why your wrists were bound tightly to the bedpost with his tie . Tom peered down at you while you struggled to free yourself from his makeshift bond, he chuckled once you finally gave up.

"You knew this would happen if you kept prying about the surprise I had for you, dear," he tsked while walking towards the side of the bed he sleeps on. "I know it's your birthday but that doesn't excuse you from any punishments." Tom paused in his steps as he reached the nightstand. After a few seconds of you waiting for his next move, he opened the drawer where your present was hidden.

Tom pulls out a box decorated in a patterned gift paper and a bow at the top. He displays it directly in front of your face.

"Open it."

"W-what? How do you expect me-"

"With that pretty mouth, of course." Tom's laugh darkened as your eyes grew in shock. "You had no problem running it all day asking me about your present, which, may I add, was meant to be a surprise. So, let's put it to better use , yeah?"

You nodded submissively as Tom pushed the gift closer to your mouth. Your teeth grasped onto the loose end of the bow and yanked it so it unraveled from the box. You peered up at Tom and he shook his head in dissatisfaction.

"Keep going, darling. You're so close to getting what you want. Why stop now?"

You sighed and teared at the wrapping paper like a dog. This was the most degrading thing you've ever done but you were secretly enjoying every second of it. You could tell Tom was relishing it too when he smirked down at you.

"Such a good girl. I love how you would do anything for me," Tom praised, his British accent thickening with lust. As you ripped away at the wrapping paper with your teeth, you spread your legs to expose your wet panties under your dress. Once the box was completely shed of the decorations, you first noticed a photo of a vibrator on the front. Your pussy clenched once you realized that it was the exact vibrator you have been eyeing for a while. Tom glanced in between your legs and smirked seductively.

"Happy birthday, my princess!" he hummed softly, bending down to kiss your temple. This was the first gentle gesture he made towards you since he tied you to the bed. You smiled under his loving touch which was replaced with his lustful demeanor once he pulled away from you.

"Oh, princess, did you forget you were being punished?" Tom teased. "Sorry, darling, I can't let you slide this time." He easily opened the box and pulled out the vibrator to turn it on. The loud vibrations echoed in the room causing you to breath heavily. You clenched your fists as Tom swiftly pulled your panties off your legs. He spanked your inner thigh to spread them further apart.

"Daddy, I'm sorry I was bad," you lightly whimpered, anticipating the touch of the vibrator.

"I know you are, but now's not the time for apologies. For your punishment, I will leave the vibrator on you, but you are not allowed to come for 22 minutes. Am I understood?"

"Yes Daddy," you gulped.

"Don't worry, darling. Those 22 minutes will fly by so fast. If it makes you feel better, Daddy will keep track of the time while you take your punishment." Tom rested the vibrator on your glistening pussy and tied it to your leg with the ribbon from the box. You began moaning once Tom left your side to set up the timer. You shut your eyes and focused on your breathing in hopes it prevented you from cumming too early. After what seemed like ages, you opened your eyes and saw Tom staring down at his phone.

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