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Tom knew about your not-so-secret obsession. You were a horrid liar and more so talking in your sleep.

"What are you reading, darling?" Tom tried peeking over your shoulder, but you slam the laptop shut.

"How about mind your business, Hiddleston?" You scrunched your nose at him.

"So more Loki porn." he smirked as he walked past.

"The word is smut. And no." You stared him down and he stared right back at you, leaning over the arm of the sofa. He raised an eyebrow. You squirmed in place. "It was fan art."

"Cock or no cock?"

You grew hot. "Cock." you threw a pillow. "Happy?"

Tom caught the pillow in the air and placed it back on the couch.

"No. How many times do I have to tell you to not throw the pillows?" His face broke out into a wide grin before plopping on the couch. "What is your fascination with Loki, darling? You realize I play Loki?" He clutched his chest. "If I wasn't so self-assured, I might become jealous."

You set your laptop down and sat up, rubbing his thigh. "Darling, I'm sorry..." Tom turned and smiled at you. "... but there is no way you can compare to Loki." You burst into giggles and took off running, Tom fast behind you. He crouched down at the entrance to where the stairs are. The only thing between you and freedom was your husband.

"Take it back." he growled.

"No. You are impressive, Tom. But Loki has the cock of a god."

"One of these days you are going to have to eat your words." Tom's face broke out into a grin.

"Make me, Hiddleston." you grinned back, bouncing back and forth.

He stood up, smile gone. "You don't really want that, darling. Don't tempt me."

"Oh, what, you have Loki staying in the spare bedroom?" you mocked. "Get real, honey. Loki is a fiction and you are the man who plays him. You are my husband and I love you, but no one could fuck me like a god."

Tom sighed. "I warned you, darling. If I catch you this time, I will show no mercy." He chuckled. "And neither will he." he muttered under his breath.

You barrelled towards him before attempting to duck under his arm as you shoved all your body weight against him. Tom rolled his eyes and easily lifted you onto his shoulder.

"Put me down, Tom!" You pounded your fists against his back.

He carried you up the stairs and into the guest bedroom, dropping you onto the bed and walking towards a chair in the corner.

"Why am I here, Tom?" you glanced around.

Tom gestured to the other side of the room. "Ask your boyfriend." he smirked.

You spun around to see a flash of light dissipate in the air. To find Loki standing there. In full Armor.

"Now Thomas," his voice deep and resonant. "We haven't officially discussed my title." he smirked as he strolled to where you are sitting.

Loki hooked a finger under your chin and took you in.

"What do you think?" Tom asked from the corner. He shifted in his seat. "She's feisty."

"Excuse you?" you snapped back. "I don't know what you think you are playing at Hiddleston, but..." You stood, wagging your finger at him. Loki snatched your wrist, pulling you back against him.

"You married well, Thomas." Loki hummed. Tom smiled from his chair. Loki cupped your cheek. "Very well."

As he pressed you against his torso, you noticed Loki's erection hard against you. You opened your mouth to protest, but he cut you off... again.

Tom Hiddleston x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now