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You walked in the room, passing in front of your computer for what seemed to be the hundredth time. Chewing on your thumb nervously, you finally slowed down and from the corner of your eyes look at your laptop. Uncertainty won you as you were wondering if it was the best moment, or even a good idea.

You stayed in that position, just eyeing the machine for an entire minute. Finally, you made a decision. Grabbing the computer, you quickly walked to you bed and let yourself fall on it, the computer firmly put on your lap. Hesitating and still wondering if it was a good idea, you reluctantly typed your password and check at the hour. If you were right, he would be done for the day at this time, and if you knew him well enough, you could say that he was going to be alone.

Great. Just what you wanted.

Nodding to yourself, you opened Skype and dialed Tom. The small moment while the ring tone echoed in the room seemed to last forever, it made you fell more nervous and toying with your fingers like an anxious teenage girl. The fact that you were alone in your room made you even more conscious of your heartbeat picking up.

Finally, the waiting was put to an end with the face of Tom appearing on the screen. You couldn't help but smile as you noticed his smile and bright eyes.

"Hello, darling!" He exclaimed leaning a little away from the screen to see you better.

"Hey love!" You said happily, offering him your sincerest smile. You just couldn't help it. It's been two years now that you were in a serious relationship with Tom but you still had this stupid smile on your face each time you saw him.

You were so happy and relieved to see him, being away from him was hard, even if it was for a few days. It was mostly due to his job. Being an actor meant he's not often home and you have to see him through screen like now.

Trying hard to think about something else, you tried to look behind him, a frown on your face. "I'm not disturbing, am I?"

"No, don't worry. We're done filming for the night." He reassured you, a small smile on his lips but you could easily see the fatigue in his eyes. He was exhausted and his tensed shoulders were telling you that the filming was hard.

"Okay, good." You smiled a little, trying to hide your worry for him. Tom didn't really like when you get all worried for him.

Quickly finding a subject of conversation, you both fell in an easy talk. And during this moment, when you spoke about his movie, about how you finished your day earlier and get home, about how you kept yourself busy alone in the house, you didn't stop smiling. Tom was the love of your life, even if said life wasn't easy for either of you. Being far from each other became harder each time you were force to separate.

At the end of telling him everything that came into your mind, you both fell in a comfortable silent. It only last a few seconds though as you looked at his beautiful face and a small and sad smile slid on your lips.

"I miss you so much, honey." You whispered as if you were afraid anyone could hear you.

"I miss you too, Y/N. I wish I could be with you."

"I wish you were here with me too... Well, I'm proud of you for filming, but still, you know..."

Rambling was the thing you did best when you were talking with Tom. He had the power to make you feel shy and each time you couldn't help but bit your lips to force yourself to keep quiet. And each time, Tom's eyes fell on your lips, as hypnotized by them.

"Oh darling, I wish I could kiss those lips of yours." He grunted, frustrated to be stopped by a screen and some miles.

"I'd like you to do much more than that." You smirked shyly, eyes looking down a moment.

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