Part 42

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SummaryThe time to face the Night King and his army has arrived.

Word count: 4918

Warnings: It's got the lot. Angst, death, descriptions of graphic scenes.

Please feel free to drop me a message or comment, your feedback would be very much appreciated..

Recap: A quick recap because it's been so bloody long between chapters. Jon and (YN) are now married, Jamie has arrived at Winterfell, shortly followed by a contingent of Lannister soldiers.

For both (YN) and Jon, seeing Tormund again was such a welcome relief, and yet, it was rather confronting for the Lannister soldiers who stood quietly behind them

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For both (YN) and Jon, seeing Tormund again was such a welcome relief, and yet, it was rather confronting for the Lannister soldiers who stood quietly behind them. After their very respectful greeting and exchange, they watched in quiet formation only to witness a boisterous ginger wilding jump from his horse and almost tackle them both to the ground, his embrace rough and enveloping. Never had they seen any commoner, not even a close companion treat their sovereigns so informally. And it was jarring. Treating a king or queen, even a lord or lady in such a way was simply unheard of and the consequences of such actions probably quite unpleasant. But they were not in the south anymore and it appeared as if a whole new set of rules applied. Grasping his sizable hands around their shoulders, Tormund took in their faces, his own features animated, "My Little Crow and my Warrior Queen, I didn't think I'd see either of your pretty faces again."

When Bran had informed Jon that the Night King had breached the Wall at Eastwatch, neither he nor (YN) wanted to contemplate their friend could have fallen victim to the unfeeling unrelenting bringer of death. Couldn't, no... wouldn't imagine him another mindless foot soldier for the army of the dead. And yet, when Jon embraced Tormund back, his seemingly buried thoughts came rolling off his tongue, "I thought we'd lost you."

Tormund answered, his features dropping just a bit, "Almost." Reaching for the reigns of his horse, he pulled it closer, giving it an affectionate tap against its side, "But this old boy got me from harm's way." Turning to (YN), he handed her the reigns, "Told ya I'd ring him back safely."

Overjoyed, (YN) reunited with her old friend, her hands reaching up to scratch either side of Pip's scruffy neck. In return, he nudged her gently with his nose, nickering softly when she placed her forehead against his snout. Moving her gaze back to Tormund, she smiled appreciatively, "Thank you Tormund, I can see you have taken good care of him."

It was then, that Beric Dondarrion and Edd dismounted from their horses, (YN) welcoming them with an embrace, before the small number of Wildlings that accompanied the trio greeted her before dispersing, no doubt in search of their loved ones. And after a quick embrace with Edd, Jon shook Beric's hand, asking them, "How did you find each other?"

Edd was the first to answer, his voice noticeably heavy, "We met up at Last Hearth."

Tormund spoke next, his words adding context to Edd's heavy tone, "The dead got there first."

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