Part 26

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Summary: A multi-chapter GoT x Reader series. Jon and (YN) meet up with the wildling elders to discuss their immediate future, while three visitors arrive at Castle Black unexpectantly.

Series Warning: The series will roughly follow the TV storyline, so it's not always going to be smooth sailing for the reader.

Pairings: Robb Stark x Reader, Jon Snow x Reader

Chapter Warnings: Awkwardness, fluff, a tiny bit of angst.

Word Count: 4391

Please feel free to drop me a message or comment, your feedback would be very much appreciated.

"That there, has to be the oldest horse I think I've ever seen," came the voice of Davos as he walked up to (YN) in the stables

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"That there, has to be the oldest horse I think I've ever seen," came the voice of Davos as he walked up to (YN) in the stables.

Throwing her head back in amusement, she turned around, her eyes smiling as she rubbed her hand along Pip's neck, the old horse nudging her cheek affectionately with his snout in response. "This old boy is the sweetest most reliable horse I have ever ridden." Giving her head a little nod, she continued with a smile, "Yes, he's a little slow but he's steady and strong, willing to do far more than any other horse I've handled." Then scratching under his chin, she spoke to Pip, her voice doting and full of sentiment, "Not even all those swamps lands held you back... did they boy?" Then turning back to Davos, she added, "I never would have arrived here without him."

Davos smiled in reply, but he doubted that was the case. Something told him that this very sweet, beautiful girl was quite determined and resourceful and somehow she would have made it to Castle Black even if her ancient horse keeled over and died on the very first day of her travels.

Though before Davos could reply, Jon reached their side, leading a horse of his own. Leaning across he too gave Pip a scratch, the horse loving every moment of the attention. Giving (YN) a small smile, Jon spoke, "Even without this old boy, you would have found a way. You're too stubborn not to." Raising her eyebrows, (YN) was about to defend herself, but Jon looked to Davos and continued before she even had the chance to open her mouth. "And don't let her old horse fool you, she could still outride the pair of us... even if we had our pick of the fastest horses." Jon dropped his eyes a moment before looking back up to Davos, a fond smile at home on his lips, "My brother learnt that the hard way, thought he'd give her a slow horse and challenge her to a race." Then moving his gaze to (YN) he gave her the sweetest look, "I can still remember the look on his face when he told me... he was so proud and impressed by you."

Davos chuckled, "I think Lady (YN) could beat me even if I was riding the fastest horse and she ran beside side me in lead boots... I'm not much of a rider." All three of them laughed and yet when Davos moved his gaze to (YN), he found such a mix of emotions hiding amongst her pretty features. She was genuinely amused by his comment, but somehow she seemed grieved and guilty, happy and nervous, all at once. And turning to Jon, he found him looking at her with such devotion and regard, that Davos suddenly felt as if he was intruding on a private moment. So clearing his throat, he quickly formed a feeble excuse to leave and give the two of them a chance to connect in a way they both clearly wanted to. "Oh... why don't you two lovebirds go ahead without me... I'll meet you at the camp in a little bit... I forgot there's somethin' I need to speak to Edd about... I won't be too far behind ya." Poor (YN) looked as if she was going to choke on the air in her throat and Jon couldn't lift his eyes from his feet, Davos noticing how the side of his face flushed with the darkest shade of crimson. Happy with his necessary trouble making, Davos took a couple of steps backwards, "I'll see you both in a bit," then clapping his hands together once, he turned on his heels he walked from the stables, leaving the two lovebirds awkwardly standing there.

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