Part 1

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Summary: The reader is a young northern lady from a smaller house, about as far North in Westeros you can get. Her father is a good friend of Eddard and they are loyal to House Stark.

Word count: 4249

Chapter Warnings: None for this chapter!

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It was the morning after King Robert and his entourage arrived at Winterfell and it was time to break fast in the great hall

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It was the morning after King Robert and his entourage arrived at Winterfell and it was time to break fast in the great hall. It was rather subdued, considering that just last night it was overflowing with people, food, wine and ale. Music reached every corner of Winterfell and the sounds of chatter and laughter could be heard beyond the grey stone walls. Right now it was much quieter, most of the guests were gone and all that remained were the King and his Queen's family and the members of House Stark. They all sat quietly conversing while they ate and the household staff busied themselves sweeping and cleaning after last night's celebrations. Maester Luwin walked in and headed over towards Lord Eddard Stark, handing him a message. A raven had just delivered it from House (YLN) of Mountainbreak. Taking the message in his hands, Eddard thanked Maester Luwin and upon opening it, announced that Lord Rohan (YLN), his wife and daughter would be arriving later today. Lord Rohan had been due to arrive a few days ago, however their main carriage sustained major damage on the Kings Road, holding them up while they waited on repairs.

House (YLN) are from the foothills of the great mountains north of Winterfell and while it was known as a place of undeniable beauty it is also known as the harshest place to live south of the wall. Life was hard at Mountainbreak, with winters that can cut down the strongest of men and if the winters aren't enough, there's also the constant threat of attacks from both wildlings and the Ironborn alike. Lord Rohan (YLN) was an old, trusted and loyal friend of Eddard Stark, they had fought in many battles side by side and Ned considered him a good and honourable man. So much so Lord Rohan was entrusted as a ward to the mountain clans in Eddard's stead. The mountain clans in years past had been quite unruly and fought amongst themselves often. Lord Rohan had managed to bring them together and even helped them to prosper during the recent harsh winters like never before. In return the mountain clans became fiercely loyal and protective of their Lord and his family.

"How long is House (YLN) expected to stay?" Sansa asked her father.

"Just a week or so" Ned replied. "Lord Rohan has personal matters to attend to at Kings Landing and will only be making short stops along the way to rest his family." Sansa seemed rather disappointed, she had been looking forward to spending time with Lord (YLN)'s daughter.

Tyrion Lannister who had been rather quiet until now, probably due to a throbbing head caused by too much fine dornish wine, spoke of a rumour that Lord (YLN) was on the hunt for a betrothed for his beloved daughter (YN). Tyrion had been told this was his real reason for the trip to the capital. "Apparently Lord (YLN) has arranged many stops along the way most of them in the North because he would like to keep his daughter nearby"

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