Part 31

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Summary: It's only moments before the battle of the bastards is due to begin, but there's something both Angus and (YN) need to get off their chest before they leave.

A/N: Okay, so this chapter was supposed to be the battle, but I got carried away and it just got too long. So, I have split it into two separate chapters. Sorry guys. On the upside chapter 32 is almost set to go and if I can get chapter 33 done pretty quickly (I like to keep a chapter ahead) then I might post it early.

Series Pairings: Robb Stark x Reader, Jon Snow x Reader 

Word count: 4011

Warnings: A bit of angst, but that's about it.

Please feel free to drop me a message or comment, your feedback would be very much appreciated.

Angus came to a stop beside Jon, waiting quietly for him to finish talking to Tormund and the rest of the wildling army

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Angus came to a stop beside Jon, waiting quietly for him to finish talking to Tormund and the rest of the wildling army. They were hardly an army though, barely more than a gathering of under trained and under armed men and women. Not that he was putting them down, it was just a fact. They were fierce, spirited and hardy people, good warriors desperate to provide their families with a life free from the growing dangers beyond the wall. But to fight against a well-armed and battle-hardened army was going to challenge their raw fighting skills in ways they never dreamed possible.

Jon looked to Angus, giving him a short nod to acknowledged his arrival, before turning back and continuing to go over the strategies they hoped would see them through the unfavourable odds they faced. They had been over them many times during the last few days, but soon they would be standing in a field, face to face with Ramsay Bolton and his army, and he hoped those well-heard strategies would leave them in good stead. There was just one thing Angus needed to get off his chest before they left.

This was the time, 'the morning of the battle,' that Angus hated most, when everybody was too quiet, busy with their own heavy thoughts, leaving him with far too much time to think. Without fail, every such morning his sleeping eyes would flicker open, his head clogged with useless thoughts as he lay restlessly in the dark, just waiting for the first breath of light to appear through the opening of the tent. And he hated it... he would much prefer to just get on with it... to be in the thick of battle, where split second decisions were all he had time for. Where there was no time to think about surviving or dying... and yet, he doubted this battle, for him, would be quite like any other... because it was (YN), who dominated all his thoughts this morning.

Gods he loved his sister, she was the sweetest and kindest person he knew and so bloody good at everything she did, it was actually kind of annoying. But the thought of her fighting beside him had his stomach in knots. No matter how good she had gotten with a long sword, he just wanted her to heed his and Jon's wishes and sit out with Lady Sansa. But that stubborn streak of hers, wouldn't have it and he knew his pleas were nothing but noise to her ears. And the moments he wasn't consumed with worry for his sister, he found his thoughts equally concerned with Sansa and what lie in store for her, should they not return victorious. In the short time he had been acquainted with the tall redheaded beauty, he had grown quite smitten. Finding his gaze lingering on any spot she had disappeared to, just waiting for her to reappear, and smiling like a fool any time her brought a smile to her lips or a blush across those stunning porcelain cheeks. And the thought of losing today, leaving Ramsay free to lay his filthy hands upon her again... upon his sister, left his blood running cold.

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