Part 38

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Summary: A multi-chapter Got x Reader series.The King's and Queen's of Westeros gather in King's Landing to meet amongst the rubble of the old Dragon arena, in the hopes they can reach a temporary truce to fight the Night King.

Series Warning: The series will roughly follow the TV storyline, so it's not always going to be smooth sailing for the reader. Series Pairings: Robb Stark x Reader, Jon Snow x Reader

A/N: Sorry this is overdue guys, so much is going on right now.

Word count: 4498

Warnings: Angst. That's about it I think. Let me know if you think I missed anything.

Please feel free to drop me a message or comment, your feedback would be very much appreciated.

Why in all the hells (YN) was straightening her tunic out, she'll never know, but there she was, her hands running over the buttons and down the sleeves as she stood at the front of Daenerys' door

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Why in all the hells (YN) was straightening her tunic out, she'll never know, but there she was, her hands running over the buttons and down the sleeves as she stood at the front of Daenerys' door. It was a tunic... there was only so much she could do to look presentable in one, so why was she so bothered? Running her fingers through her messy hair, she contemplated going back to her chamber to run a brush through it and tie it up, but she probably wouldn't be able to make it look any better anyway. With a shallow breath, she shook her head, telling herself she was being ridiculous. There was no reason to feel so unsettled, she was a grown woman, not the shy girl that arrived at Winterfell all those years ago. So with a deep breath, she cleared her head, quickly wrapping her knuckles against the door before any more ridiculous thoughts could get the better of her.

There was a short silence before a voice sounded from the other side, a strong voice. A voice that worked hard to disguise it's vulnerability? "Just a... a moment." After another short silence, came the invite, "Come in."

Lifting the latch, (YN) gently pushed open the door, her eyes searching the lovely quarters for the dragon queen, finding her sitting by the large window. With a nod of her head, she smiled, "Your Grace, I'm Lady (YN) Stark. I wanted to come and thank you."

Daenerys stood up, and it was clear she was upset. Her eyes, while not bloodshot and swollen, were clearly red from crying, her cheeks shiny from freshly forged tears. Feeling as though she was intruding on a private moment, she apologised, "Sorry, Your Grace. I shouldn't have come unannounced, I'll come back another time." Taking a step back from the door, (YN) almost turned to leave, but instead hovered a moment, feeling upset for the beautiful white-haired queen. Without another thought, she spoke again, "Unless, there is something I can get you?"

Taking a step towards her, Daenerys shook her head, gesturing with a wave of her hand for her visitor to enter, her expression somewhat strained, "No, I'm fine... please, come in."

(YN) stepped into the quarters, noticing how the dragon queen studied her every movement, "I wanted to come and introduce myself, and thank you for coming to our aid... before I," with a small breath, she smiled, her lips touched with chagrin, "Well, before my hopeless sea legs betray me." Looking to the Daenerys, (YN) raised her brows, shaking her head with a sigh, "Ships do not like me, and I do not like them. Before long, I will not make very good company."

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