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"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever met, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you," he got down in one knee. "Kaelynn Rhea Haile, will you-"
My gorgeous mystery man got flattened to the bedside table, ending his proposal and the annoying alarm. I groaned into the pillow before rising in a zombie-like manner.
"That's cute, Kae-Kae."
"What the-!" A barrage of pillows fly at my intruder, releasing peals of laughter from them.
"Kaelynn, it's Opal. Your bag is packed right? You gotta get up or we'll miss the flight!" Opal's curly blond ponytail flew behind her as she rushed around my room. I had completely forgotten about our trip to South Korea to meet the skilled Hyun-Ki Cho, a management director for all kinda of talent groups. And since our group, called Pandora's Box, is signed to an open contract, we collaborate with different management teams, including Mr. Cho's.
I quickly pulled on a purple t-shirt, high waisted shorts, and black combat boots while Opal's gray eyes watched me from my bedroom door, holding my bags.
"I'm coming, I'm coming. Jeez..." Grabbing my purse, I dashed after the taller girl to the black car parked out front.
"This is the first time I've ever seen you sleep in, Kaelynn. You must've been having one heck of a dream," Opal stated as we zoomed down the clear roads. I blushed slightly and chuckled, thankful that my brown skin hid the rosy color from showing. Unfortunately, the orange-red undertones gave it away. Cursed undertones.
"Oh goodness! Was Kae-Kae having a dirty dream?!"
In fear that the partition wasn't enough to hide her shrill voice, I slapped a hand over her mouth. Like every child at heart, she licked my palm. I yanked my hand away in disgust.
"No, you dope-head! It was just a dumb dream about some sexy guy proposing," I grumbled. Dopey - as I refer to her - grinned at me.
"What level of sexy was he?"
"I couldn't see his face."
"So mysteriously sexy?"
"Opal, it was a dream."
"Hehe... Okay, Miss Clam."
I rolled my eyes and turned to watch the scenery go by. I'm known as the quietest of the group, and I don't disagree. I like keeping to myself most of the time, so they call me Miss Clam.
It's ridiculous, I know. I'm not sharing any pearls with them because of that.
Soon we had rushed into the airport where three other gorgeous talents waited impatiently.
Ashley Moon. The only reason we have connections to Korea honestly. Her mother had contacted Mr. Cho to get our group to Asian countries, starting with South Korea. 19 year old Ashley's tall and slender, very peppy, super long blue-green ombré hair, and sometimes sporting circle lens.
Delphine Morris. She worked at a small bakery in Arkansas before she managed to join us. She's usually the one to come up with our choreography, being a dancer all her 19 years of life. Wavy brown hair in a messy bun, tanned and freckled beige skin, ice blue eyes, and long dancer legs all complimented by her usual outfit. Black joggers, blue tank top, white hoodie in hand with white high-top sneakers.
Ariya Thayer. Our favorite little geek and clown. She used to do comedy acts, but is mostly know for crazy promotion online and electronic work. Bronze skin, hazel eyes, green glasses, and straight brown hair all left natural which accented her Brazilian descent. She's really close to Opal, since Opal's the one that convinced her to join Pandora's Box on her 22nd birthday
Which leads me to the all American Opal Sutton. Blonde curls, porcelain skin, and gray eyes, and really just a perfect model stature. She's the fashionista in our group; always looking stylish, even if it's just a trip to the gym or going to bed. She started off as a model but started singing a while ago, and mostly the official start of Pandora's Box. Now at 24, she's still doing a few photoshoots, but is frequently out and about meeting people. I would describe her outfit, but I'm not sure where to start. The shoes? The designer bag? She'd probably be offended that I can't remember the exact color of her skirt.
Then there's me. Kaelynn Haile. I'm usually day dreaming and writing songs for Pandora's Box. After auditioning for a solo career, I got to join Opal for the group (and getting known as Miss Clam or even Heartbreaker. Not my fault boys don't live up to my standards). My Native American father had been so proud of me and held some long celebration those 3 years ago. My mother had rolled her eyes at this but was happy nonetheless. After being bullied in childhood for being African American, I guess it feels good to be praised for who I am. Heck, it feels good just to be who I am. Woohoo for self acceptance.
"Opal, Kaelynn! You two were gonna miss the flight and I almost thought we'd have to hire people to dress up as you," Ariya said, grinning at us. The other girls laughed and told us their master plan on replacing us while we swiftly boarded the jet.

Ashley spoke first once we were all settled in. "So who's ready for Korean food and boys?!"
"As long as those boys have food, I'm in," Delphine yawned.
"I think the food should come with boys," Opal mentioned, winking at us. The girl has quite a few boy toys, but even they know it won't last. She's not the kind of person to commit that much.
"I vote we take a comatose-like nap so we won't fall flat on our faces upon arrival," I said, pulling a blanket over me. Ariya mumbled an agreement, probably already dozing off.
I didn't check to see if the other's had joined us in our sleeping party.

"You've arrived at our destination, ladies. Thanks for flying!"
Before I opened my eyes, I could already predict the gross taste in my mouth and bright lights above me. Luckily I won't be jet lagged.
The five of us climbed into the vehicle waiting for us and departed for Mr. Cho's office, which was pretty refined and grand.
"Hello, hello! I am very excited to meet the forever rising Pandora's Box. We have much to talk about," Mr. Cho greeted us, gesturing to the soft seats we'd be sitting in for at least an hour.
Making myself comfortable, I became just one giant ear to listen to his spiel.

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