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Two hours. We sat there for two hours listening to Mr. Cho go on about regulations and rules for us in Asian countries. Not to mention signing more papers.
"It's 3:00, we should go out for a late lunch. I know some really good places from when I came here as a kid," Ashley said as we walked down the sidewalk. "The Song's Dine In is the best place ever and I always ate there. We definitely need to go!"
"Ashley, I can't tell if you're excited or not about this trip," Delphine stated sarcastically.
"Nope, she definitely is not excited about this trip. She's excited about moving back here and going solo as a tour guide." Ariya joked.
After a large meal at the restaurant, Ashley literally gave us a tour of Seoul. Much walking, fan signings/pictures, and an unhealthy amount of Ashley's voice later, we ended our tour on our beds.

A whole week had gone by with no contact from Mr. Cho. He's been doing some charts on our image and song choices or whatever. Opal and Ashley were excited to finally hit up the clubs, and they were prepared to drag the rest of us there. As if knowing I didn't want to be the one dealing with two drunk girls, my phone rang.
"Hello Ms. Haile! I'd like to bring you into my office for a closed meeting, just you and I."
"Is there an issue..?"
"No, no! Not particularly. Just please meet me in the next few minutes. Dress nice."
Call ended.
Sighing, I got up from my comfy casket of blankets and changed into a sapphire sundress with white pumps. Quickly, I applied some make up and making sure my curls weren't in a complete disarray.
"Ooo where are you going in that outfit this fine summer morning?" Opal asked, coming into the bathroom to brush her teeth.
"Meeting with Mr. Cho. Apparently I have to dress nice. For whatever reason he just wants to see me..." I called back, grabbing my purse and phone.
"Oh okay. Be careful, hon'. Sure as hell don't want you to get snatched up." Her voice rang with a smile. "If you do though, I'll make sure the photo chosen is a good one!"
I laughed at her joke and walked out of the hotel room. Typical of her to reassure me of my kidnapping. A chauffeur waited on me outside, door open. The car ride was swift, and before I knew it, I had ended up in the same soft chair in Cho's office.
"It's good to see you again, Kaelynn." He said, shaking my slender hand in his chubbier one. The man smiled at me, eyes shining. "There's a slight dilemma I have to speak with you about."
"Dilemma..?" I leaned forward.
"Yes. It seems that you're the least popular one in the group, which won't really aid in the total stats of the band. Because of this, we have to boost your fame in a strategical way." Mr. Cho began to pull up some files on his computer.
"To do this, we'll need to pull off a trick to boost your publicity. Yes, Pandora's Box coming here will increase popularity even more in Asia, but your numbers will still be low. So we'll just raise your numbers by pulling off a little trick that always works." He paused, clearing his throat and leaving me waiting for an answer.
"Um, yes..? Go on please."
"You'll need to date a celebrity from a Kpop group, one that'll obviously be more famous than you." He stated, completely serious and probably not realizing that last part stung a bit.
"In fact, I've already chosen who. T.O.P. from Big Bang." Mr. Cho slid a portfolio folder of the young man across the table to me, "You'll be together for x amount of time and make sure to be..."
I stopped listening. All my thoughts were racing around me upon his proposal - no, demand. I mean, come on! Really? I'd heard about these crazy schemes, but this? I signed up for an open label, not "Chubby Cho's Charm Challenge!" I'd rather camp out with that Plowman chick and gargle tampons.
"Ms. Haile? Are you still there?"
"Huh? Yeah it's just... Why exactly am I doing this? I didn't even get to pick the guy." I flipped open his portfolio, skimming through it. He's definitely desirable. Tall, perfect skin, perfect hair, 27 years old. I'm definitely not a match for this guy.
"Choi Seung-hyun is know as a "pimp" of a sort, not really committing to a relationship-"
"So like Opal?"
"Excuse me?"
"Oh, uh, nothing just ignore me." Nice one.
"Okay... Anyway, his reputation is that of a bad boy, and having him tamed by a girl would possibly improve the poor rep that comes with his title. You two getting together will only have positive effects."
"A fake relationship? That seems sort of, y'know, cliché. I think I could make it without him, Mr. Cho." I frowned slightly. "I don't think this is really necessary."
"Ms. Haile, you'll have to fake it till you make it in this world. Please, allow me to fetch the man himself."
Mr. Cho exited his office, leaving me to rethink my life choices and ponder my fake relationship. When he came back, the fake boyfriend himself was looming over him from behind.
Those picture did not make him out to be this fine. And sitting under his gaze I know felt really self conscious about every little detail. It's as if a spotlight was shining down and we are definitely not on a stage.
"Hello, I'm Choi Seung-hyun, more known as T.O.P." He stepped into my full view and I stood up.
"Kaelynn Haile. Nice to meet you." I shook his hand awkwardly, becoming even shyer. He of course noticed this and I guess tried to flash me a reassuring smile, making me blush.
"I've already gone over the terms with him, but I'll repeat them for you, Kaelynn, especially since you spaced out." Mr. Cho interrupted our intense awkward interaction. I gladly turned to him and took my seat again.
"You two will be seen together for the next month, going on dates at least each weekend. Just make sure it's evident you two are interested in each other. Then we'll move to Stage 2.
"Stage 2 will be an interview that'll confirm your blooming relationship. You'll make sure to always be convincing, or this won't work. Understood?" Mr. Cho looked between the two of us. Honestly I felt like a child being told to get along with my sibling.
Except that my "sibling" is a sexy stranger whom I have to date. Cool.
After our lovely chat, TOP and I left the office together. Small talk isn't my forte, but I decided to give it a shot in the elevator.
"So how do you feel about this?"
"Well, if our managers find it in our best interests in order to gain fame, then I guess I can deal with it." He replied, his accent heavy.
I nodded in agreement. "If there's a date each weekend, does that mean tonight..?" I bit my lip, stretching one of my curls down to my hips. TOP - I don't feel close enough to him to think of him as Seunghyun - turned to me for the first time since the office meeting. He has a smirk on his face and his eyes twinkled.
"I suppose so, Miss Kaelynn." He took my hand and kissed. "I'll be waiting outside your hotel in 5 hours."
With a wink, he left me in the elevator and I had to rush to beat the doors. He was gone.
I had to be ready by 5:30pm for a date with a stranger - er boyfriend... I'll have to work on that, and the name issue.
Slipping into the vehicle waiting for me, I was driven mad by my thoughts and the chauffeur.

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