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I went inside of the hotel room and planned to tell the girls what happened when I had received a text.
"Okay, so during the meeting with Mr. Cho he told me this crazy plan."
Delphine, the closest one to the door, perked up from her phone. "What?"
Here goes nothing...
"I'm suppo-"
Buzz buzz. Text message from Mr. Cho. Literally there went nothing.
"Don't mention the relationship being fake. This has to be believable to everyone."
It's like he has eyes everywhere and knew I was about to tell...
"Hello? Kaelynn, what'd he say?" Ariya waved her hand in my face.
"Uhh.... He um, he said I'd have to write more songs except they'd have to have Korean in them!" 'LIAR LIAR DRESS ON FIRE' is what I was expecting to hear.
"Oh awesome!" Ashley sprang forward from around the corner. "I can help with the lyrics and maybe adding a bit of a Korean twist to the songs you write. I know just what to do!"
I smiled sheepishly at the others praising Ashley's idea, who didn't realize I had lied straight through my teeth.
Opal spoke after her, "When are we gonna start writing?"
"Er... Soon?"
Opal's eyebrows came up, "Soon? Really now? We'll start tomorrow because now we have to get prepped for clubbing!"
Oh shoot... No clubbing for me tonight.
"I won't be going." I said, trying to slip past Opal, only to be blocked by her and Ashley.
"Oh no, no-"
"I'm staying here too. I'd rather club boys than club with them," Ariya joked while laying on the couch.
"Noooo! You both have to experience it. You only get one chance," Opal's voice sang over us.
"Hold up. Opal we're going clubbing more than once while we're here. We'll have plenty of chances." Ashley looked at Ariya and I with devil eyes. I got lucky this time, but I still have to go out with a stranger, which may be worse.
I grabbed my Martin guitar out of the case and began to play a few melodies while the others, besides Ariya, went about dressing up. Quietly humming one melody, I strummed and finger-picked a different one. From the corner of my eye I could see Ariya's head bobbing as she was coming up with a beat to what I was playing.
"I like it, Kae," Ashley began. "But we're gonna need more of a piano sound to really appeal to a Kpop genre."
"I was hoping we would do a song with guitar as the lead and another with piano," I replied, still playing. "We still gotta keep our originality. No need to switch genres."
"Synth would sound good to warp the bridge," Ariya commented.
Ashley continued getting ready with Opal and Delphine, until they left around 5:00pm. That's when I launched to the bathroom to do some touch ups and change into a different dress.
Red lips, tamer curls, bodycon dress, faux fur coat, and red pumps later, I emerged from the bathroom.
"Whatcha all dressed up for?" Ariya looked up from her phone, probably tweeting.
"Nothing big." I triple checked my hair in the small mirror by the door.
"Since you're going out like that, I hope you know CPR because you're gonna take everyone's breath away!" Ariya feigned concern then started laughing with me.
"We'll see," I smiled, "but I'll make sure to learn CPR on the way downstairs. Bye!" I stepped out and couldn't help but stare nervously at myself in the reflective elevator.
I wasn't sure of what to expect from this guy. He could be a weirdo who collects women's hair, or a secret spy, or maybe just a complete jerk and womanizer.
Or the worst ever: A regular guy with no qualities I could possibly hate, ultimately ending my expectations for guys.
True to his word, he was outside of my hotel. Well, not him exactly. He was inside the limo while the driver was outside waiting on me (which is probably better considering paparazzi's can be anywhere). I sat to TOP's right, but made sure to be closer to the door than him.
"Hello, Ms. Haile," he greeted kindly. And honestly I couldn't help but stare at him. He was wearing glasses, which might've been an accessory, and his hair was gelled slightly back to be more sophisticated. Such little things shouldn't really matter, but this dude is so fine. What happened to guys like this in America?
His eyebrow raised and my mouth went dry, but I managed to speak somehow. "Good evening, um... TOP..?"
Now I wish I hadn't spoken. The corner of his mouth quirked up in amusement and his eyes sparkled as well.
"I'm sorry, it's just that I don't know you and I'm not sure what else to call you. Obviously I shouldn't call you your stage name in public, so I was really just hoping I wouldn't have to call you at all..." I stopped because he was grinning ear to ear, still looking as wonderful as ever.
"I mean as in call you a name, not... A phone call..."
He had turned to the window, covering his perfectly soft lips and smile, with shoulders shaking in silent laughter.
"Ignore everything you just heard, please." I turned to the window with my arms crossed under my bosom, not planning on turning back to the handsome gentleman beside me.
He had other plans. "May I call you Kaelynn? Or would you prefer Ms. Haile?"
I looked out the corner of my eye to see he wasn't joking around before thinking about it and responding. "Kaelynn, please." I turned more to him and flashed a friendly smile. "Ms. Haile makes me sound old."
TOP nodded and his eyes trailed down my clothed form. The dress was indeed little and black, accentuating my curves. Thank Opal the clothing goddess for this large coat which hid my body anyway, while being stylish. I stared at him though, waiting for him to stop checking me out.
Man this is awkward. I haven't been on a date in two years, yet here's this super sexy man staring at my smooth legs.
Suddenly his eyes snapped to mine, a small blaze in them, and probable devious thoughts in his mind.
Clam mode activated.
I blushed deeply and tried to hold his gaze, failing. My lap became more interesting, and something tells me he would agree.

"Uliga dochaghaessseubnida," the chauffeur said in a low voice from the other side of the partition.
Ashley is going to have to teach me Korean if I'm going to survive a relationship with a foreigner.
"What?" I looked at TOP, who nodded towards the window and began to unbuckle.
"We've arrived," he stated simply.
"Wait what are we doing for this date?" I quickly unbuckled and TOP opened my door from the outside. I took his open hand and climbed out the limo, absorbing my surroundings. Just another busy street, but everything seemed much more refined.
TOP squeezed my hand, pulling me back to the current situation and away from my thoughts. "Come. Let's eat dinner first, then the rest of our night awaits."
I nodded and grasped his hand tighter as he pulled me through the mass of people. He glanced back at me for doing so, but I waved him off. I'd rather be squeezing the life out of his hand than get sucked into a stream of strangers.
Passing through the sliding doors of the 5-star restaurant surprised me slightly. The place was huge. And the aromas engulfed me even at the entrance.
A hostess spoke to TOP, then led us to a secluded area of the building for the beginning of our date. After seating us and TOP ordering our drinks, I spoke up.
"Where are we? This place is incredible..."
"Myongwolgwan Restaurant," he began, "the best one in Seoul."
"You took me here for our first date? That's not slightly overdone?" I furrowed my eyebrows, feeling slightly unsure of this whole scheme.
"Overdone? Just wait until the rest of the night, Kaelynn." TOP winked at me, then sipped his alcohol.
Oh boy.

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