Chapter 9, Be Gone Clones

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Young Raven's Pov, (hehe) 

"You are nothing daughter but my gem to worlds" Trigon shouted as his red eye beams came right at me. I lifted my arms up closing my eyes ready for my death. Nothing happened? I open one eye to see myself in a black bubble.

My powers.... "Raven" I hear Robin and turn around to see everyone standing up. My bubble grew and they all walked over giving me the power I gave them before. Soon a bright light happened....

Raven's Pov, (SHE BACK) 

I was back. Still white and sadly now have long hair but other than that Im back. "I had a feeling this would happen" Trigon smirked and started to mumble a spell. I couldnt tell the words but a great pain inside me grew.

I grabbed my chest falling backwards into Robins arms. "Raven" I hear Starfire nearly shout. Soon something came out of me. Something bad. "Red" Cyborg whispered and I saw red standing there smirking at me.

"Finish them" Trigon ordered as he went back to his chair. "Great, Red nearly killed Raven before" BeastBoy sounded worried. I cant belive they remember that day. They touched my magic mirror... I hated them for it but they remembered.

"I need Red inside me to get the power to stop Trigon" I explained as Robin helped me stand. "How do we do that?" Superboy asked. "We beat her up" I answered making him smirk. "Would you like to throw the first punch?" BeastBoy asked him.

Superboy ran at Red but she blasted him back like he was nothing. "She is what Trigon wanted me to be, evil" I whispered as everyone ran at her. I needed a way to get her inside me fast. "Yellow help me" I whispered.

"If you hit Red from above as the others attacked it should work" Yellow answered in my mind. I smile and flew up putting my hands together. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos" I shouted blasting Red from above making her look at me.

Soon Starfire started to help me and the others attacked from below. I soon hear her mumbling a dark spell. "EVERYONE MOVE" I shouted as nearly everyone ducked up M'gann, Robin, Cyborg and Wally.

Soon another copy of them showed up next to them smirking. "No again" Cyborg nearly shouted punching his clone away. I then look for Red, she was gone. "Oh no" I mumble looking around. "What?" Starfire asked.

"Where did Red go?" I asked as Starfire was blasted away from me. "STAR" I shouted as Superboy caught her. I turn around to see Red smirking at me. "Your friends are weak" Red laughed. "Your the weak one" I snapped.

Red and I started to blast each other. "Let us help" Green shouted in my mind and I nodded a little. Soon I heard them all shouting in my head as my energy balls turned into rainbows? Well its missing the colour red.

"More power" I smirked a little as I blasted Red making her go flying down into the ground. I flew down a little to see Red holding her head. "I should of known the others would help you" Red snapped standing up.

"Your going back where you belong" I the put my hands together and closed my eyes. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos" I shouted making Red fall into the ground. I felt her back inside of me, sadly........

"RAVEN LOOK OUT" BeastBoy shouted and I turned to see Trigon there. I was slapped to the ground like a bug. 

Superboy/Conner's Pov,  

Raven fell to the ground and seems she passed out. "Superboy helps M'gann" I hear Robin shouted and turned to see M'gann fighting her clone or what ever. How did Red Raven do that? How the hell are there more Ravens?

"M'gann duck" I nearly shouted throwing a old broken car at her evil clone. It was easy to tell who was who. The clone was black and white with glowing red eyes. Think that kinda gives it away that she is the clone.

"M'gann I think BeastBoy and Raven need your help" Aqualad ran over putting his well staffs out from behind his back. "Go" I whispered to M'gann who was looking at me. She nodded and soon flew off towards BeastBoy and Raven.

"We are stuck dealing with her clone?" I asked Aqualad who smirked a little at me. "Scared Conner?" Aqualad asked/answered me. I laugh and ran at M'ganns clone punching it to the ground. Can I call the clone a she?

"Guys I found a way to destroy the clones" Artemis shouted and shot M'ganns clone making her vanish. "Nice work" I shouted back looking around to see her shooting the other clones. "Trigon is going to be hard to beat" I hear Aqualad sigh.

"Maybe we could lock him away like Raven did last time, until we find a way to beat him?" Zatanna asked walking over. "Wait what about Nabu?" Kid asked rushing over. "Doctor Fate could help us, Zatanna fo you remember how to call him?" I asked looking at her.

"Yes but I will need you guys to cover me" Zatanna answered. I turn to see Robin rushing over to his other team. He looked worried. Something bad has happened....

Cyborg's Pov, (WHAT?) 

Raven wont wake up. This is a problem. "M'gann anything you can do?" Robin asked running over to us. "I can only try and help" M'gann sighed and BeastBoy looked at Raven worried. "Please try" Star begged her.

M'gann nodded and closed her eyes trying to get in touch with Raven. "Cy what about Ravens mirrior to her mind?" BeastBoy asked me. "Its been destroyed" I mumble looking at the ground. "Great" I hear BeastBoy mutter under his breath.

"M'gann can help her" Robin looked at all of us. "You trust her, we trust her" Star smiled at Robin making him smile to. Can they kiss and hurry up already? Like man, we have Trigon here! Soon Superboy walked over.

"Zatanna is calling Doctor Fate" Superboy crossed his arms. "You think he is around?" Robin asked. "He better be, if Raven cant stop Trigon, Doctor Fate is our only hope" Superboy looked at M'gann and knocked out Raven.

I hate to say this but Superboy is right.....

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