Chapter 6, The Key

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Robin's Pov, (Yeah I Know, Robin, Wally, Raven, Robin, Wally, Raven. They are my favs thou) 

I saw Klarion walking up to Raven as her glowing back eyes turned red. No! "RAVEN YOU HAVE TO FIGHT IT" I shouted as Slade punched me in the face making me go backwards. I shake it off as Wally ran at Slade making him go flying off the roof.

"I got Slade" Wally smiles and runs after him. I soon rush at Klarion. "The gem was born of evil's fire. The gem shall be his portal. He comes to claim, he comes to sire. The end of all things mortal." I hear Klarion chant.

Soon Ravens blue robe started to turn red. "No" she whispered and blasted Klarion away from her. I threw a net on his cat hurting it. Klarion soon rushed to his power as I rushed to Raven. "Raven?" I asked worried.

"Robin dont come after me" Raven whispers before she went threw a portal. Soon I hear Klarion laughing and I turn to see him with his cat. "Your too late" Klarion he smirked before he went threw a portal of his own.

Soon I rushed to see Wally passed out on the road. I jump down and to his side. "KF" I shouted shaking him and called the others. Artemis is going to kill me!

Meanwhile Raven, (I KNOW!) 

I made a portal to Azarath hoping to see my mother, Arella. I get there and looked around seeing it filled with white birds. I then see one fly to a tower. I saw my mother, in her white robe. I fly up holding my book.

Soon as I was near she started to walk away. "Arella! No, wait! I've come back. Mother, please help me" I begged and she turned around. My mother looked sad and sighed. "You always had a home here, my child. But help, we could not give" She replied.

I showed her my book. "Its happening again, how do I destroy Trigon?" I asked. My mother looked more sad. "Nothing could be done. The promise of your birth was absolute" My mother was saying the same things as last time.

"I don't believe you! There has to be a way! I don't want to be this. I don't want to help him. Mother, I'm afraid" I really was afraid. I rarely was.... I didnt want to help my father, I want him gone, out of my life forever!

"You forever had the love of your people, Raven. Even knowing what you would become and what that would bring" my mother put her hand on my cheek before I was back in my room at Titans Tower. I was still scared.

I looked at outfit to see it turning red. I cant stop it! I soon whisper a spell sending parts of my power to the Titans and the other team. "Be safe" I whisper as I got up and ran out the tower flying off but soon blasted down.

I fell in the park looking up to see Slade with a gun. "This time Raven your coming now" Slade smirked grabbing my arm making me glow once again. "NO" I shouted trying to get free. I was dragged off towards the old library.

Soon I saw fire demons coming over towards us. "He is hurting me" I lied making them jump on Slade. I smirk a little to myself. "Your not aloud to hurt his little gem are you?" I asked and started to run off but Klarion grabbed me.

Soon we was dragged into the library and the earth started to shake. I turn around to see my team and the other one. "Raven" I hear BeastBoy whisper and my team looked at me shocked. "The world is going to be ours" Klarion started laughing.

Soon Slade was gone and Klarion pushed me into a portal making me land on the stone hand. "RAVEN DONT" Starfire shouted and they all tried to get to me. Klarion and the fire demons started to attack my friends.

"LEAVE THEM ALONE" I shouted as my eyes started to glow red and 2 more showed. Soon the demons stopped and Klarion was frozen. "I said dont come after me" I whisper trapped them all in a black bubble.

"Zatanna" Superboy nearly shouted and she started to brake the bubble. I sat down on the stone and sighed and started the spell. "The gem was born of evil's fire. The gem shall be his portal. He comes to claim, he comes to sire. The end of all things mortal." I started.

Soon I felt something taking over. "Goodbye" I whisper as as bright like the last thing I saw.

BeastBoy's Pov, (THERE YOU GO) 

RAVENS GONE! AGAIN WE FAILED! "Raven" I hear Starfire whisper. Soon the earth started to shake and Trigon was back. Huge, red skined Trigon. He laughed as next thing I new a dark light hit us all.

Soon we was in the city all together? "Raven did it again" Cyborg hit the ground. "Robin you have to go save Raven again" Starfire begged. "Im going to need backup" Robin mumbles. "Im in" Kid Flash zoomed next to Robin.

"Sadly I might need Art for this one" Robin pointed at Artemis. "NO" Kid Flash then shouted making Artemis punch his arm. "Im in" Artemis then smiled. "Aqualad can you lead everyone to keep Trigon busy, you have to stop him from getting more power" Robin looked at Aqualad.

"Will be hard for me and M'gann but we can try" Aqualad nodded. Robin and Artemis ran off to get Raven back once again. Lets hope this time she can at lest put him back in the prison she sent him before........

"Well if we have Ravens power like before it could help" Star smiled. "How do we use it?" Superboy asked us. "We stand together and use rage saying Azarath Metrion Zinthos" I answered blasting something.

"See" I pointed and soon we was all off to find Trigon. He was sitting on Titans Tower like before. Damn I hate this guy!


Thinking Of Killing Someone...... I Might.....

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