Chapter 4, Happy Harbor

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Artemis's Pov, (ELLOS) 

Robin had some explaining to do and some reason I understand where Raven is at. We just showed up and she dont even know us. We are kinda taking away their team leader. "This is hard to explain" Robin mumbles.

"Just do it" Zatanna snapped and when Starfire kissed Robin's cheek her face dropped. Robin sighed and sat down in a chair. "Raven is part demon and she bonded with me to save my life and now we know each other better than anyone in the worlds" Robin looked at the ground.

"Demon? Worlds?" I asked confused. Soon there was a scream from upstairs. "STAR" Robin shouted and got up running right away. "Lets help" Superboy stood up and we all did. We followed behind to see that Slade guy with my sister.

Whats Jade doing with this guy? Slade was holding a knocked out Starfire too. "Lets her go Slade" Robin snapped pulling out a staff. "Robin you made my life hell now I make yours" Slade answered back and I bet he was smirking under his mask.

"ROBIN" we all hear BeastBoy who was in some flying bubble with Cyborg and Raven. "Until we meet again Robin" Slade let a smoke bomb out and Robin jumped up and hit my sister out. Soon Wally had her tied up.

"SLADE" Robin shouted as he flew off on the bubble. "Robin calm down" M'gann sounded worried then again so am I. "No I wont, this is the 5th time he has tried to hurt my family" Robin looked at Jade and he was really upset.

"Let me talk to her" I begged and Robin nodded. Soon they left me and Jade alone. "Hello little sister" Jade laughed a little. I pulled off her cat mask and sat on the ground. "Why team up with Slade he seems a joke?" I asked.

"Money, he might be a joke but very rich" Jade answered. "What about Roy?" I asked knowing they was dating. "W-w-what about him?" Jade asked blushing a little. "Him and Robin are best mates I think he would help Robin" I smirk a little.

"Then I might change sides, who knows double agent" Jade mumbles. I laugh a little and stand up. "I will make that happen" I whisper and Jade smirks at me. "Family sticks together" we both whisper as Wally zoomed over.

"What we gonna do with her?" he asked hugging me from behind. "We need Roy and she will help us" I replied kissed Wally's cheek. "Roy? Be back in a flash" Wally smirked and zoomed off. Jade smirks at me leaning on the wall.

"What?" I asked crossing my arms. "Never saw you and him together" Jade answered making me laugh. "At first I didnt" I replied as I looked behind him. "Im worried about Robin" I mumble. "Slade has made his life hell" Jade looked at the ground.

"You know about their past?" I asked looking at her. "Duh, I need info on who Im working for" Jade rolled her eyes making me sigh. "Slade made Robins life hell and nearly killed him last time they meet" Jade then got me kinda shocked.

Soon Wally was here with Roy hitting him around the head. "WHAT THE HECK WALLY" Roy shouted and saw Jade. "What you do now?" he sighed asking her. "Help a kidnapping" Jade answered as Roy set her free.

"Why?" Roy asked. "We needed the money" Jade mumbles. "Yeah and we said I would deal with it" Roy whispers. Ok somethings up with them. "Jade will help us if your on the team only" I mumble making Roy sigh again.

"Sorry but theres another reason, Slade said he would hurt my sister and Roy" Jade mumbles and that me and Roy shocked. She did care about me after all. Soon the others walked over and Robin crossed his arms at me.

"Shes our double agent" I smiled. "Roy" Robin smiled a little. "Titan Tower is a mess dude" Roy laughed looking around. "Not everyday my old team comes over and fights my new one" Robin was leaning on the wall.

Roy laughed some more. "The Titans are good fighters Robin I think they could easy win" Roy made Wally punch his arm. Soon we all left to M'gann's ship and was heading towards Happy Harbor. "You sure he is here?" Robin asked.

"Its where we took the other prisoners" Jade answered pulling her mask down. "You mean Batman and Superman?" Superboy asked making Jade nod. "Slade wouldnt of got Batman easy" Robin mumbles.

"Thats where the magic guy came in" Jade then was loading her guns. "Lets do this" Aqualad whispers as we all got out and put our camo suits on. "There" Jade whispers pointing to an old empty building.

"Im going first" Robin used his staff and jumped onto the roof. He has been training it seems. As the rest of us went diffrent ways in Jade walked in like she owned the place. Soon Slade and that Malchior thing showed.

"How did you get away?" Malchior asked. "My sister is easy to play" Jade smirked and Slade nodded. "Malchior get the prisoners ready" Slade ordered and Malchior nodded and walked off. "How do you keep him under control?" Jade asked.

"He only wants Raven and as long as he listens to me he shall get her" Slade answered as Jade walked off following Malchior. Soon as she was gone Robin jumped down kicking Slade into a wall. "You should work on your hiding skills Slade" Robin laughed.

"You should learn Im never alone Robin" Slade clicked his fingers making robots come out. Soon the rest of us joined the fight covering Robin as he took Slade alone. "Art go help Jade with Red" Wally nearl shouted.

I looked at Roy who nodded and we ran after Jade. We walked in to see the Titans, Batman and Superman all knocked out. Soon Jade the blasted into the wall. "I knew you would help your sister and lover" Malchior spat.

"At lest I can have a lover without using a spell" Jade mumbles landing next to Roy. "Art you get the prisoners free, leave mr magic to us" Roy smiled at me. I nodded and ran over to Raven freeing her first.

This could be one hard fight.....

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