Chapter 7, Ravens?

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Robin's Pov, (I know -.-) 

Me and Artemis walked back to the library and saw a giant hole where Raven turned into a portal for Trigon again. Raven wasn't like herself this time. More like she was controlled to do it. "Robin are these stairs?" Artemis asked looking down the hole.

I sigh and nodded. "Yeah, they are" I answered looking down seeing a portal at the end. "Lets go" I soon walk down with Artemis following behind me. I know the fire demons will try and stop us. We had to get past them.

Not just for the worlds sake, for Ravens. Soon Artemis and I was through the portal to a dessert type place with cracks in the ground filled with lava. "This way" I pointed at 2 big stone doors. "You  remembered" I hear Slade's voice.

Artemis and I look around and I see him staring at us. "Back off Slade" I snapped making him laugh. "Im here to help Robin, I might want power but I also want a world to rule" Slade walked over to us. "BACK OFF" Artemis shouted pulling up her bow.

Soon there was a small child laugh. I turn around smiling to see a green hooded Raven. Wait green? "HIT HIM IN THE FACE" she shouted jumping up and a grey hooded Raven was next to her whispering some things.

"Shh or Red will hear" I could hear her whisper a little louded. "2 Ravens?" Artemis and Slade asked confused. "This is weird" I mumble confused. "No we are the feelings of the Pure Raven, the one you know is Cold" a Yellow Raven showed up explaining.

"You are only children? Never mind that, wheres our Raven?" Artemis asked. "No idea, LETS GO FIND HER" a pink Raven jumped up happy. I stepped back confused and kinda creeped out. Im use to the cold Raven....

She never showed her feelings unless she knew something was bad. "Wheres White?" I then asked and Yellow Raven stepped back. "You know Blue turns into White?" she asked and I nodded smiling at her.

Soon a purple hooded Raven came out of no where. "He's cute" she smiled and winked at me. "Here we go again" Green mumbles rolling her eyes. "Follow us or die" a orange Raven smirked behind Green and Grey.

"Your always so rude" Yellow snapped at Orange. "Can you just show us please" Artemis asked and they all started to run off. Artemis and I followed as Slade walked off some where like last time. I didnt like this at all.

"Heres a tip hot stuff, stay away from Red" Purple winked at me again and I nodded as Artemis hit my arm. Soon we was at a old castle type place with a Brown hooded Raven sleeping on the wall. "BROWN WAKE UP" Green shouted.

Brown soon woke up and looked at the other kids Ravens. "Im going back to bed" I hear Brown mumble as Green threw a rock at her. Pink laughed and jumped in the air. "Your great at throwing Green" Pink laughed.

"Im not going to get use to this" I whisper to Artemis who nodded. "LETS GO" Green then shouted and started running. The other girls followed and so did me and Artemis. We walked into to see the roof the gone and the walls covered in dead moss?

"WHITE" Green started shouted and then the earth started to shake and there was a roar near by. "Red" Grey screamed and ran behind Green. "We are in trouble" Yellow stepped back. Soon White Raven, our Raven, landed on the ground near us.

"LEAVE ME ALONE" White shouted standing up and looked like she was crying making Grey glow. Soon there was evil laughing as a red Raven flew over. She wasnt a child like the others, she was a teen like me and Artemis.

"You made friends" Red smirked as her hands started to glow red. "RUN" Yellow shouted at me and Artemis and we listened right away. We ran as Red started laughing crazy blasting every where.

I saw that this was Trigon, well kinda like Trigon. "Grey keeps glowing" Artemis whisped pointing at Grey who was hiding with Green and brown. "Its Raven, its how she feels" I whispered and stood up throwing a small bomb at Red Raven.

It hit her sending her flying into a old stone wall. "YOU DARE" Red shouted staring at me. "Sorry but these Ravens are coming with us" Artemis shouted pulling out her bow shooting at Red. Soon she flew off in pain.

"YOU SCARED HER OFF" Pink shouted jumping into the air. "Lets go" Artemis started running and nearly all the Ravens followed, all of them but White. I walk over to her and went on my knees. "You ok?" I asked her.

"Its happened again, If feels like this has happened before" Raven answer/replied looking at the ground. "Yeah it has but Im here, Im here to help you Raven, the others are waiting for us" I smile at her but she wouldnt even look at me.

"Robin, Im scared" Raven whispered hugging me. I hug her back and pick her up and carried her to the others. Soon as I reached Artemis and the other Ravens who was running around, I saw White was sleeping in my arms.

I also saw Brown and Pink glowing. "Why dose she get to nap?" Brown asked crossing his arms. "Without her, we would be dead" Yellow mumbles crossing her arms as Orange burped. "Shut up nerd" Orange then mumbles.

"Can we get going?" Grey whispers and Green smiled. "GET MOVING OR IM USING YOU GUYS AS TARGETS" Green then shouted and all the Ravens started to climb up the wall towards the portal. Artemis sighed.

"How will you carry her?" Artemis asked me pointing at sleeping Raven. "No idea, can you help?" I asked her and Artemis smiled and pulled out some rope. Artemis made a small lift and she gave me part of the rope and started to climb. 

"Please be ok Wally" I hear Artemis whisper before she was to high up to hear anymore.....

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