Chapter 8, Believe

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Starfire's Pov, (HEHE) 

We spent hours fighting Trigon's fire demons and we was all getting tired. M'gann and Aqualad are knocked out and are dying. They cant handle the heat. Only some mins ago we had to hide in a half burned down building.

"Any change?" BeastBoy asked Cyborg who was trying to help M'gann and Aqualad. "No" Cyborg answered making Superboy punch the wall. "We need Robin and Art to hurry up" Kid Flash sounded worried. Then again I am to.

Im worried about Robin. "DEMONS INCOMING" Beastboy shouted and I turned around to see an arm full floating towards us. "We are dead" Kid Flash whispers and soon a dark green blast hits all the demons making them go flying.

"TOLD YOU I COULD DO IT" I hear Raven shout. Raven? I look to see young Green Raven? "Green calm down" a Yellow Raven showed up next to her. "Green? Yellow?" BeastBoy asked confused. "LOOK IT GREEN BOY" an Orange Raven then showed up.

How many Ravens are there? Soon Robin and Artemis was walking over and Robin was carrying a small White Raven. "Your ok" Zatanna smiled at Robin and Artemis. "Why are there so many Ravens?" I then asked.

"Raven doesn't believe in herself anymore" Robin sighed putting a sleeping Raven on the ground. I fly up to Robin hugging him tight. I missed him a little to much. 

Young White Ravens Pov, ( :P ) 

I kept my eyes closed listening to the people around me. "Raven doesn't believe in herself anymore" I hear Robin sigh. How can I? I brought this again. I have doomed my friends. "Trigon knows where we are, we have to move" I hear Superboy.

He sounded very upset. "M'gann and Aqualad cant be moved, they are dying and weak" Cyborg then sighed and they all went quiet. I soon opened my eyes and walked over to the 2 people who was knocked out and hurt.

"Raven what are you doing?" I hear Wally asked me but I didnt answer him. I went on my knees next to them and closed my eyes. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos" I whisper and the people opened their eyes. I think they was called M'gann and Aqualad.

"Raven how did you do that?" Artemis asked and I turned my head and looked at her. "I dont know" I whisper. "We need to go beat Trigon once and for all" Robin then pulled out his staff. "He is too strong" BeastBoy sighed.

I saw Purple smiling at him. She would flirt with anyone. "We fight or we wait here and die" Robin then looked at everyone. "Its up to us to save the world, we need to work together and believe in each other and our selfs" Robin smiled making everyone nod.

I just hugged myself as I saw Grey glowing. "WE WILL HELP" Green shouted as the other me's walked over to her and nodded. Well all but Grey who walked over to me. "Can I stay with you?" she asked and I nodded.

"Lets go" M'gann hugged Superboys arm making him smile. Soon they all ran or flew off. After Trigon, my father. "Raven we need to help" Grey whispered standing up. "Your right" I stand up and she grabbed my hand smiling.

Soon she was gone and I felt her inside me. How? I soon then blast a rock and smile to myself. My powers are coming back. I dont know how but this is great. Soon I ran after the others and watched them hurt my father.

"Hey" I hear Brown and Orange yawn. "Help me" I offer them my hands and they both smile taking them. I felt them both go inside me like Grey and rushed to Pink and Purple. "Hey" I whisper to them as they turned around.

"White" Pink smiled and I offered them both my hands and they as well took them. Robin was right. I can beat Trigon. I saw Green and Yellow glowing near Robin and Starfire. "BB MOVE" I hear someone shout and soon look at BeastBoy.

He was on the ground hurt. I soon rush over as Green and Yellow did too. "Raven we can help him" Yellow looked at me and I nodded. Green and Yellow then went inside me making me smile as I healed BeastBoy.

I soon felt Rage inside me. Red? How did she get inside me? "EVERYONE MOVE" Robin shouted but there was a bright blood red light. As the light went down I saw everyone knocked out laying all around me. "NO" I shouted.

I soon hear Trigon laughing and I turned my head to see him standing there. I felt Red was kinda happy but the others wanted to fight him. "Daughter" Trigon looked at me a little shocked. I was scared. I didnt know what to do.

"You will go back to where they found you" Trigon nearly shouted and I shook my head. "What was that?" Trigon asked and I looked around seeing everone was waking up. "Im staying by my friends" I nearly shouted.

Trigon only laughed. "What can you do? Only heal them so they can die later on?" Trigon asked and started to walk towards me. I felt the earth under me shaking. I could feel myself shaking. I can do this. I can send him away.

I can destory him.


What you guys think?

I know Im ending it a tad early but hey you gotta read the fight next time....

Dont killl me!


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