Chapter 1, The Flash Back

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Robin/Dick's Pov, (ELLO MY FRIENDS) 

Its midnight and Im still awake. My friends tell me to get some rest as Slade was finally dead. Part of me wants to believe that but the rest of me.. I shake my head and head to the training room. "Robin?" I hear someone whisper.

I turn around to see Starfire. Her red hair, emerald green eyes. "Robin are you ok?" She whispered walking over rubbing her eyes. "Im fine Star, did I wake you?" I asked knowing her room was next to mine. About 2 months ago we kissed in Tokyo.

"No, I was worried about you" Star smiled blushing a little. I smile at her and sigh. "You shouldnt worry Star, I will be fine" I walk over to her grabbing her hand. Soon BeastBoy, a boy with light green skin and dark green hair walked in.

His green eyes staring at us. "Dudes was you about to kiss?" he asked rubbing the back of his neck. Soon Cybrog a half human, half robot walked in. He soon dragged BeatBoy out the room for us. I heard Starfire laugh a little making me smile.

"We should all rest, its late" I kissed Star's hand making her blush grow. I soon walk her to her room before walking to mine. As I go back and lay in bed I started to think. Soon I fall asleep to the same dream everynight...

More like a flash back...

Dream/Flash Back: 

I was in Happy Harbor with a diffrent team call Young Justice. As I was fighting some robots someone grabbed me from behind knocking me clean out. I woke up in some cell watching as a fake me was hurting people.

"No" I whisper trying to brake free but someone walked over smirking.....

Dream/Flash Back Ended: 

I woke up gasping holding my head. I soon hear a knock at my door. I stand up opening it to see Raven. She was wearing her blue cape with her hood up. She rolled her purple eyes. "You know we are linked Robin" she whispered.

I sigh and let her in my room. We sat on my bed talking. I explained to her about my dream/flash back and she nodded. "Robin you just need to remember the past is in the past" Raven pulled her hood down to show her short light purple hair.

"Thanks Raven" I look at the ground as she left my room. Raven and I are link like we are brother and sister. To me Raven is a little sister. I soon go back to sleep to a normal dream... Me kick Slades butt!

Next Day, Kid-Flash/Wally's Pov, 

Been a whole year since Robin left. I miss him, he was my best friend and like a brother to me. I knew nearly everything about him, how his mother and father was killed, how his name is Dick. I sigh thinking about it.

"Wally you ok?" I turn to see Artemis. Her blonde hair and brown eyes.... I could stare into them for hours. I soon stand up and smile at her. We have been dating for at lest 5 months. "Worried about Robin again" I answered her.

"He can take care of himself" Artemis kissed my cheek. Soon we walk into the living space in our base. After Robin helped Cheshire kill random lode of people well its been ruff on the team. Soon the alarms went off.

Someones in the base?!?!?!? Soon M'gann flew over, her light green skin and long ginger hair you could see for miles. "Wheres the others?" Artemis asked grabbing her bow and arrows. "Out helping Superman" M'gann answered her.

Soon M'gann was blasted into the computers and I rushed to her side in a flash. "You ok?" I asked and she nodded flying up. Soon I see a flash of light and rush to Artemis picking her up and taking her to another part of the room.

"Kid?" Artemis whispered/yelled at me. "There was a sniper aimed at your head" I whisper/yell back and rush to where the flash of light was kicking a guy out of the shadows. He had a half black, half dark gold helmet. 

He was wearing a black outfit with parts of metal. "The boy who knows the Boy Wonder" the man was probs smirking. "Robin? How do you know him?" I asked/snapped before I was blasted by something? Like what hit me?

I flew into the wall and saw the same thing blasted M'gann. Artemis shoot some arrows at a person made of paper? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? "Who are these guys?" I asked running around the helmet guy.

Soon the man blasted me into a wall and I was frozen? Ok this sucks and Im getting my butt kicked. Soon a boy with black hair, bright blue eyes came in and punched the man into the wall on the other side. It was Superboy or Conner should I say.

Soon I was free off the wall. "See you around Speeder" the man stood up and threw a smoke bomb on the gound. Why dose this remind me more of Robin? How did he know Robin? Soon a boy with dark skin and very short blonde hair walked in.

It was Aqualad the teams leader. "Who were they?" he asked and no one answered. "I know one of them knew Robin" I mumble and Aqualad sighed. "Batman as been captured and we might need his help" Aqualad then looked at everyone.

"How are we going to find him?" Conner asked crossing his arms. "We look" Aqualad answered and left the cave/base. I sigh and look at Artemis. "Ideas of where to look?" I asked her. "Other citys" Artemis walked over and grabbed her motorbike.

She went first out the cave and I ran along side her. "Whats the closes city?" I asked. "Jump City, sounds weird" Artemis answered. "Lets go" I smile and ran ahead like normal. "WALLY" I hear Artemis shout before a small laugh.

I cant helping be one of the fastest people alive.... IM JUST THAT AWESOME MAN!

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