Campus Couple Part 2

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It's been about two months since Norman and Ray started college. Remember, Ray is in robotics and I'm just going to put Norman there too. Enjoy!

(Also, for anyone who keeps up with my other work, I'm officially coming of hiatus! :D)

"Ugh!" Ray groaned and stared at the ceiling of his dorm. "Norman, why are you like this?!" 

Norman was sitting on the bottom bunk, chuckling at his boyfriend's antics. "I just said that your Artificial Intelligence-Based Chatbot for Appliance Control looks likes a childs toy," he said.

Ray glared at Norman. "It look me the past month to make. Well, hopefully the professor will appreciate the hard work I put into it," he huffed.

Ray then proceeded to continue to refresh his grade portal on his phone again until there was a knock on the door. He put his phone down and got out of his bed. "I'll get it," he muttered.

He opened it to see Don, Gilda, and Phil there. "Hey!" they all said happily. He then closed the door in their face.

"Ray!" Norman exclaimed and got out of the bed and rushed to the door. Ray crossed his arms and looked away. Norman sighed after letting the others in. "They're our friends. Just because your stressed, it doesn't mean you should take it out on them!"

Ray sighed and turned to them. "Sorry. I'm just stressed about my project. Norman keeps making fun of it," he said and threw a quick glare at his boyfriend.

Norman wrapped his arms around Ray and kissed his forehead. "You're just oversensitive," he said with a grin. Ray smiled and kissed him. 

"And you're just a jerk so I guess we're even!"

Don let out a little squeal. Norman snorted. "You're such a fangirl, Don!"

"I AM NOT! I AM A NORMAL BOY!" he yelled and that started a yelling fast around the room.

Hey guys, I will be making a part three of this, but give me suggestions for more oneshots between these two!

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