Marching Band

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Disclaimer: No music I mention is mine. I'm just going based of what my marching band plays

Alright, if you don't know what marching band is, it an American Passtime that is usually linked with College American Football, High School football. As someone who is in marching band, I might use terms that are confusing. Just warning! Terms and instruments:

Drum major - person who does not play an instrument or wave a flag. Conducts the band. 

Sousaphone (Sousa) - if you've seen vegitales, it's the instrument Larry the Cucumber plays. Or in other words... It's a tuba. 

First down - the only time when you can play when your team is on offense other than touchdowns

Touchdowns - when one of the teams gets their ball to the end of the field.

Section leader - basically, they are in charge of one instrument group or one group of instruments. For ex. Low brass section leader is in charge of Euphonium, Baritone, Sousaphones, and Trombone. A sousa section leader is in charge of all the people under the Sousaphone category and they report to the low brass section leader who reports to brass section leader who reports to drum major.

Cadence - A drum lead song. Also a stand tune. It's basically a little dance.  

Rules of being in Uniform - No PDA, no cursing, no gang signs, and no being a brat. (Basically don't do anything that could offend the Karen's)

Stand tune - A song played in bleachers. Can be any song in any order. Is not graded by judges.

Set - The four or five songs played on the field. Is often done in front of judges. 


I looked up at Emma, my drum major. She looked so hilariously serious that I could tell she was stressing out. She hated having to conduct during kickoff. 







I stared to blare my instrument, playing Seven Nation Army. As the only sousaphone, it wasn't exactly easy as the baritones were playing their melody as fast as humanly possible. 

It was over all too soon. I sighed and sat down, staring at the game, getting ready for a first down. There were about four of us in low brass. Me, the sousaphone, Gilda and Don, the baritone, and Phil, a trombone (though on the field he played the baritone with Gilda and Don). 

We were all a little annoyed. See, our team was not exactly... great. We'd won one game so far this season. 

"Hey," I suddenly heard right behind my ear. I turned my head to see the white-haired jerk that was my boyfriend. He was grinning like the little maniac that he was. 

"Oh, so now you show up," I said with a frown, glaring at him. Norman was section leader of pit. He didn't really have to play til later, but he still was always there to tease me or help me get my stuff together. 

"Sorry, I was doing something," he said, before plopping himself right by me. See, we had a very small band. There were only about 35 of us. We were the smallest marching band in our school district. We only had three pit members (one of which was Norman), and our drum line was also miniscule. 

"Sure," I said, my eyes still right on the game. Fuck, I thought as I watched our team pass the first down mark. 

"FIRST DOWN," I shouted, which earned some concerned looks from my friends. We all scrambled to stand up and played our short little song before he sat down just as quickly. It was rough being low brass. 

"You're such a nerd," Norman said, leaning into my face, obstructing my view. 

"Piss off, Norman!" I snapped, though pretty quietly since we weren't supposed to cuss in uniform. He grinned even wider at this and sat back, almost falling off his chair. 

It wasn't long before the other team stole the ball from us. Emma made a face (she was either thinking or she was constipated) before she put her hand in the air. Everyone's eyes darted to it. It was in the shape of a "C". 

"CADENCE!" Everyone said happily, putting their instruments around... except me. See sousaphones had to dance with it on. So fun... not. It's a lot of bracing your knees so you don't fall down. 

Emma called out one of our cadences and we started. Ah, what fun must the other kids be having. Don't get me wrong, I loved cadences, but right now, when I was mad at Norman... I was pissed. The fucker was standing on the bleachers, doing the dance as obnoxiously as he could. 

Then suddenly, it was our ball again. It was like a miracle until we all realized we had to sit down. I sighed and begrudgingly sat down. 


"You suck, Norman," I snapped. We were driving back to our house and this asshole was acting like we'd lost the game. 

For the first time in what felt like a lifetime, our team won. This also meant we didn't play that many stand tunes, but I was fine with that. The more games our team won, the longer marching season would be and that's what matters. 

Norman, on the other hand, was acting all butt hurt because we only played 3/4 of our set instead of the full one because one of the pit members wasn't there. He was all mopey getting ready to leave and putting his stuff in the car. Oh, how I could hate this man when he was being a bitch. 

"Ray, don't be mean," Norman said, though his eyes sparkled mischievously. I rolled my eyes as we pulled up to our house. 

Before I knew what was happening, he pulled me into a kiss. I toyed with the idea of pushing him away for a split second before I gave in. I kissed back, and he must have known it too, but I forgave him. 

"Now we can go inside," he said with a grin, winking at me. I was still a bit shocked at the suddenness of the kiss.

"What? We're not in uniform anymore, you dummy."

Thank you for reading! Sorry if it wasn't too interesting, but I love marching band and I wanted to do a marching band story. 

Also, please make any requests. I'm happy to do anything that isn't 18+.

Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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