Angst One-shot

886 16 12

Mentions of mpreg and omegaverse (trying smth out. tell me if you like)

Age: 18 and then 21

Ray stared at the table just as he had been doing for the past hour. Norman didn't know what to do. "Ray..." he whispered.

"They're gone," Ray whispered. "I'll never see them."

Norman sighed. He wrapped his arms around his precious omega. "I know, Ray. It'll be hard to get over it."

Tears left Ray's eyes. "Am I a bad omega? Is that why the goddess took our baby away?" he asked, looking into Norman's eyes.

"No! Ray, you're perfect. It's not your fault that you had a miscarriage. We can try again, right?" the white haired said, rubbing Ray's back. 


"Norman! Come on, Emma needs us," the white haired turned his head to see the messy hair of his best friend, Ray. The boy was already walking away from Norman.

Norman followed Ray, wondering what Emma could possibly want. He was quite aware of his um... how should he say this... interest in males. He was also aware of Emma's constant flirting. It was really obvious that she wanted to be his beta.

"Norman! Ray!" Emma called, smiling at the boys. She was holding a bunch of books, likely her homework.

"Hey, Emma," Norman called out, smiling. He had to resist the urge to make a disgusted face when Emma blushed.

"I wanted to tell you something, Norman," she said, smiling up at him, completely ignoring Ray. Ray raised an eyebrow.

"Then why did you need me?" he asked, looking annoyed.

"I need you to record!" she said, tossing Ray her phone. Norman was worried at this point. Was she going to confess, in front of Ray?

"Norman, um... I like you. Will you be my alpha?" she asked bluntly as soon as Ray hit record. The sound of something clattering to the floor sounded and the two turned to Ray who had dropped the phone and was staring at the floor.

"Ray!" Emma whined. The boy with messy hair then threw on a blank look and grabbed the phone. Emma turned to Norman, expecting an answer. "I'll take this as a yes if you don't say anything," she giggled.

"Emma..." Norman whispered. How was he supposed to break the news to her.

"I'm gay," he said. "Sorry...?" 

Emma stared at Norman for a couple of seconds before she broke out into giggles. "HA! Knew it! Told you, Ray!"

Norman raised an eyebrow. "Huh?" he said, turning to the black haired omega, who was a blushing mess. 

"Emma, I told you not to say anything! Now he's going to reject me!" Ray muttered, staring at Norman with a deer in headlights look. 

"Ray, what's going on?" Norman asked, very confused.

"Um... so... I thought you liked Emma and she wanted to mess with you... and you guys know I'm gay... so I wanted to test. I was going to let you guys be happy if you got together... but... you're gay. So... I guess, that means I have a chance," Ray nervously rambled. 

Norman glanced at Emma, who grinned cheekily. "Just kiss him already!" she practically yelled.


Part 2 maybe? Did you guys like or should I never try smth like this again.

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