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Sky is grey and gloomy just like the life of Mishti Dobriyal . She look out of the car window try to cheer up her mood hoping this new place will bring some kind of positivity in her life but in her heart she knew it won't be happening.

'So how your mother find out about you after so many years?'  Ask mishti's dad to her mom .

'I don't know exactly but I think yana must've told her about it . We started talking from past five years and in a situation like these she told maa about me'  her mom replied with a tensed expression .

Her dad nod but after a second ask her again  'what if she's calling us there to insult me !'

'She's old and bed ridden how possibly she'll insult you ! I'm sure she's wanting to see all her grandchildren Yana and Sudhi also coming with their children'  her mom say and look out of window.

Mishti hearing them quietly as whatever she'll say her mom won't listen and for her father she was a big mistake he did in drunken state years ago so no use wasting her time on having conversation with him .  She look at the greenery surrounded this small village in Himachal so clam and beautiful if she wasn't upset about her father coming with them she'll surely enjoy all of beauty of nature but her bad luck . 
After 15 minutes her father declared  'I think we found the house'  she look ahead and found a big cottage style house in a village like this it's impossible to predict this house could be here .  Seeing the house her father's eyes wide in amusement a bit as he never thought Mira(Mishti's mom) is belong to a rich family of village the house is like it's come out of those lifestyle magazines an old beautiful looking cottage house .  Mira take a long breath closing her eyes as her childhood memories coming back in her mind from which she is running away , she open her eyes coming out of car  say to both her daughter and husband  'so this is our house for some days and we won't be alone here as yana and zari is already in with their kids' .

Mishti take her bag and adjust her specs on her nose looking at her grandma's(nani) house .  Jatin(her father)  lock their car and take bags start heading towards main door to enter the house followed by her mom was went unusually silent coming here , Mishti kept looking the house and her eyes caught a guy standing by the window at first floor of the house  she couldn't clearly see his face but by the way he is standing it's seems he looking at her , she followed her parents and enter in house .

Coming in the house she greeted by her aunt and uncle , their partners and their kids means her cousins .  Yana hug Mishti and say to mira  'mira her eyes are just like yours so beautiful mom going to be very happy to meet her'  mishti pass a small smile but hearing this mira's face got pale as she say  'isn't mom on life support system! How can she meet mishti ?'  the question is little awkward  but yana say 'she get back her senses today morning like a miracle she can't walk now but she can see and talk with us it's so good that you come here with mishti and jatin as mom wanted to see all her kids with her grandsons and granddaughters' .

'Wow that's unexpected'  mira say looking here and there which bring more confusion to mishti's mind , yeah her mom told her that she(mira) runaway from this village when she was 18 and after got pregnant with her never coming back in this village in the guilt of running away from her family but why she's behaving so distance from her family and mom now !  Yana held mira's hand and say to her  'come let me give you a warm cup of tea' she look at mishti and say  'Mishti beta you go to your room and get fresh it's on the first floor third one room than come down for lunch'  Mishti nod and head towards her room .

Mishti saw her grandmother's room door open and see her sleeping on bed which is attached with a life support system machine.  Mishti go in her grandma's room looking at her wrinkled weak body , her eyes warmed up  looking her grandma like this  she try to held her hand when she heard bathroom door getting open  and comes out a tall guy who wiping his hands with towel .  He look at Mishti and say  'hello so you are the grand daughter she's been talking about nice to meet you' .

Mishti look at him confused and ask  'who are you?'

'I'm Abir Mrs. Dobriyal's caretaker and her nurse at this moment' he introduced himself forwarding his hand for handshake but she didn't accept and  say 'hello I'm Mishti' .

'I know the lucky grand daughter'  Abir say passing a warm smile .

'Lucky !'  ask Mishti frowning her eyebrows.

'Yeah because you were the only grandchild left she didn't see and hearing that you coming here she get her senses back this morning only so you are lucky for her'  Abir say  .
Mishti didn't think that's what he meant but nods sat beside her grandma .

Abir look at her and smirk..

Okay after like three months I found this part still saved ✌️
This story isn't your typical love story where boy meets an sad girl , they fall in love and happily ever after no this one is a goth style story which unfold  🔜
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