Stay away from her..

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Continuing from previous part:-

Mishti look at her nani who pass a small smile towards her she ask her to sit beside her on bed and mishti is about to do so but Mira stop her and say 'umm i think we all should leave maa alone so that she could rest and what about dinner yana have you prepare something yet ?'

Mishti is confused by her mom's strange behaviour like she trying to avoid her own mother but why ? Is it because she is still guilty upon running away from here in her young age and getting pregnant without even marrying her father maybe.

Yana come out of her thoughts and reply 'no actually I—umm I forgot to ask you what you guys like to have in dinner so—'

'Okay so let's go and we help you in cooking . Zari you too see off Adv. Bhanu let maa rest come on' Mira announce in hyperactive tone as if she wants to leave this room with everyone as soon as possible.  Taking her daughter's hand in hers she turn towards door but come Sakshi's voice who demand 'I want to talk with Mishti for sometime' .

Mishti turn back to her granny and feel warmth in her heart cause apart from her naa no one show love towards her she nods slightly but her mother's grip on her hand is still farm as if she doesn't want her daughter and mother talk with each other at all .  Confused with her mother's behaviour Mishti looks on awkwardly between her mother and her granny her maa hold her like that only if she felt trouble around them but what possible trouble they have around her own family!

Yana clears her throat announce  'yeah maa Mishti stay here with you while me and mira making dinner' saying so she go towards her sister and hold her hand 'come mira' .

Mira look at yana and she gave her a assuring sign through her eyes so she left Mishti's hand and leave with yana . Soon remaining members too leave the room including Abir who go downstairs to throw away used cottons bandages now only Mishti and Granny is in room .

Mishti sat at the end on her granny's bed giving her a small warm smile 'granny you'll be fine again now all of us are here for you' .

Granny pull her hand out for her and she grab it softly which bring a small smile on granny's face  'your eyes are just like me'  Mishti's heart melts hearing this and granny ask her for a hug which she gladly accept both hug each other Mishti is so happy having her granny's love she always wanted to be loved by her family and today she's getting it .

Granny hugged her stroking her hair but in silently she took some of her hair and eat those .
Mishti broke the hug and help her to lay down on her back so that she could get some sleep while still holding her hand in her warm ones.

Yana cutting vegetables but Mira's mind is still worried for Mishti  'why she wants to talk with mishti and why give her this house ?'

Yana start preparing food reply  'she gave all of us something i mean money is equally disturbed between me and zari so she gave you that what is left with her' .

Mira give her an unbelievable look and say  'really what is left with her ! Don't you remember how she used to behave in childhood when we used play and draw on walls she punished us saying this is her house and she won't tolerate any damage on it more than us she used to take care of this house and now she giving it away i don't believe this' .

Yana close her eyes as flashes of her mother beating them with stick played in her mind  she  take a deep breath to calm herself and say opening her eyes  'she used to be young back then but now she is old and people change with time who knows maybe we too change in our old age it's human nature totally normal' .

'There is nothing normal about our mother and you know it too those dark memories still haunts me those dolls that stuff crying locked up in room requesting her to stop but she never stopped and i know she still isn't going to stop there is something going to happen i can feel it'  Mira said her mind filled with memories of her childhood and her life she spend here .

This time yana loose it and say holding her shoulders roughly  'look mira it took me 12 f*cking years to be normal people used to call me crazy you ran away without thinking about me and zari  we both get our lives back after lot of time and we don't want to go back to our old selves so stop this nonsense before it's too late I'm sure you don't want Mishti to know about past'  fear increase in Mira's heart she doesn't want Mishti to know about it ever  'me too don't want my kids to found out so let's pretend it never happened and be as normal as we can' yana say and mira nods .

Zari(Mishti's uncle/mammu) is in his room his eyes fell on the mark on his arm and the flashes of that night scares him  just then his wife sudhi comes in and he roll down shirt sleeve ask her  'what happened where are boys ?'

Sudhi sat on bed and reply  'anshu is in room with aarti and rohan and kabir go out to get some snacks for all so that aarti feel little bit better she's crying continuously after what mummy said' .

Zari nods understanding aarti's situation but sudhi ask  ' isn't mummy trying to be too close to Mishti i mean mira di ran away when she was 18 and you with yana take care of mummy most of the time then why she gave this house only to Mishti? It's so strange'

Zari take a deep breath and say  'maybe because Mishti is daughter of her first child you know about that saying parents have little bit more admiration for their first child so this automatically happens for their first born child's kid and this house is of no use i we live in city we can't adjust in village area it's good mom gave us money' .

Sudhi is not really satisfied with his answer but nods anyway .

Mishti slowly open her eyes upon sensing someone tucking her hair behind her ear  she look around and find Abir on the other side of bed setting things in drawers and checking granny's drip pipe he look at her and smile  'oh you woke up'

Mishti adjust her specs on her nose ask him  'when you come back?'

'Just 15 minutes ago you were sleeping beside your granny so i thought not to disturb you both it looked cute too'  Abir say in his boyish nature and Mishti roll her eyes but this time Abir say  'hmm looks like you don't like to be around people specially boys' .

Mishti frown and ask  'what made you think like that ?'

Abir hung his bag and reply  'you behaving serious around me maybe thinking I'm flirting with you but trust me I'm trying to kill time i mean don't get me wrong but staying here with a unconscious person checking if she is alive or dead is uncomfortable you were the first one to come in this room  in morning and i felt little positivity in this room upon your arrival so i said things without thinking beside whenever your granny used to get her conscious back she talks about your mother and you so it increased my curiosity I never thought it gave you a impression of me being a flirt' .

Mishti look down embarrassed  he is right she mistook his friendly nature to flirting  'umm i was not in good mood in morning that's why'  she reasoned which is true she hates the idea of her maa to bring her dad here .

'See you then my shift is over reeni coming in half an hour'  saying so Abir left the room leaving Mishti embarrassed .

Later in evening
Mira comes in her mother's room closing door she look at the life support system her glucose drip and her mother's weak state on the bed . She go towards her bed to look at her closely sakshi is sleeping with oxygen pipe in her nose and machine monitoring her heartbeat.

Mira sat beside mother and say  'I don't know what game you are playing now but I'm warning you don't even think to involve Mishti in it . Stay away from her'  she look at her mother for any reaction but got nothing so she left after giving her a final look ....

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