Belongs to her

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Continuing from previous part:-

Mishti come downstairs to inform her maa about nani get conscious back . She is looking for her maa when she collide with a girl of her age and both look at each other.

The girl give Mishti a quick look over and by the way she's looking at her it's obvious she didn't like her a bit  she is not giving friendly vibes . Mishti ask her  'umm did you see my mom ?'

Aarti(mishti's cousin yana's daughter)  say  'she's in kitchen with my mom what happened  you seem in hurry ?'

Mishti adjust her glasses on her nose slowly and say  'actually granny got her conscious back i was in her room when she open her eyes and move her hand bit so thought to inform mom about it' .

Aarti nods and Mishti go towards kitchen she saw her maa with aunt yana and she heard her maa saying 'but how can you trust that woman after what she did to you guys in past ?'—- yana saw Mishti and quickly put her hand on Mira's hand altering her about Mishti's presence.

'Oh mishti beta you want something to eat or want to join us for tea ?'  Yana asked her but mishti eyes are on her maa who signal through eyes to not take tension.

'Actually granny woke up I think she wants to see all of us'  mishti say .

Hearing this mira frown but didn't say anything 'oh great let's go upstairs to meet her' says yana as she held her sister's hand slightly dragging her with herself out of kitchen.

Mishti follow them though she is very confused by her mom's behaviour why her face fell hearing about her own mother ! First she thought it's because of her father but seeing her so stressed in her childhood house is weird.

Everyone gathered in Sakshi Dobriyal's room aka granny who look at everyone but lastly her eyes stopped on her daughter Mira who look back at her but without any emotion .
Yana sat beside her mother and put her slightly shivering hand on her mother's hand asking her 'M—Maa how are you feeling now ?'

Sakshi look at yana and nods in yes she slowly open her mouth and say slowly 'ca—call lawyer Bhanu I—I want to give you all something before I die' she is breathing with oxygen pipe .

Zari(Mishti's uncle Yana and Mira's younger brother) say  'I informed him already he is on his way' .

Mishti felt the awkwardness in room not only just her mom but even her uncle aunt and their kids too behaving so cold like they don't have any emotion for granny strange.  Her eyes fell on Abir who checking machines and granny's pluses time to time  right now he is the only one who look somewhat normal in this room  he look at her and pass a small smile towards her which she ignores .

Room door open and enter family lawyer Bhanu Rawat who is of same age as Sakshi Dobriyal he come with a file in hand wishing quickly to Sakshi he start reading file to everyone  'this is WILL of Mrs. Sakshi Dobriyal  in presence of her three children and granddaughter I read this . Sakshi Dobriyal has 20 lakhs in her bank account which distributes equally in between Yana Dobriyal/Singh and Zari Dobriyal means 10 lakhs to Yana and 10 to Zari'  lawyer said.

Yana say to her mother  'there is no need of it maa you get better is all we want' .  Her kids and husband nods to it and also zari's wife and son said same thing  but Sakshi say  'this is the token of the time you spend on me you are my kids and I won't leave you empty handed in this world' .

Lawyer continue reading will  'and this house goes to Sakshi Dobriyal's granddaughter Mishti Mira Dobriyal  she'll be the lone heir of this house' .

This comes as shock for Mishti  her granny giving this house to her !

'But—but how can Mishti be lone heir of this house I mean mishti isn't only granddaughter of Mom what about Aarti ?'  comes Mira's question confusing Jatin , Rakesh and kids .

Yana is about to tell her but Sakshi say  'cause Mishti is my only real granddaughter yana adopted aarti which means she isn't blood related to Dobriyal's' .

Aarti excuse herself and left room hearing this her brothers go after her and yana felt bad about it too . 

Sakshi look at Mishti and say with a small smile  'this house is my precious and after my death it'll belongs to her' .

Jatin felt happy inside that at least something good happened by coming here on other hand Mira felt scared and Mishti is puzzled finding out that aarti is adopted and her granny leaving this big house for her  is she really lucky ??

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