I'm here for you..

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Continuing from the previous part:-

Small summary of previous parts:
Mishti a young girl move back in her mother's village to visit her ill grandma(nani) accompanied by her biological father who she hates from childhood upon reaching her grandmother's house she met Abir who introduced himself as her grandmother caretaker/nurse who seems the only normal person here as now her own mother behaving differently around her siblings especially her mother Sakshi Dobriyal. Granny gets her conscious back and divided her will among her children but Sakshi's house goes to Mishti surprising her and other family members..

Meera enter in her mother's room making sure no one saw her coming here locking the door she turn to face her mother's direction who laying on bed attached with glucose pipe and heart reader machine Sakshi looks so weak and depress seeing parent in such state any daughter or son felt sad but Meera go towards her bed and say 'stop this drama of your i know you called us all here for some scheme but this is my last warning if you try to even touch a hair of my Mishti I'll choke you to death do you understand'  she except sakshi to react but she didn't it seems like sakshi is in deep sleep due to medicines .

Meera decided to leave but stop and turn her eyes fell on the oxygen pipe attached to Sakshi she think for some minutes and taking a long breath she remove her oxygen and switch off her heart reader machine so that Sakshi be dead by morning Meera gave her mother a final look and exit the room hoping all the madness ends with Sakshi ..

Jatin trying to call his wife but there is no signal so he huff in irritation and decided to back inside house when he collide with Ashok(yana's husband and mishti's uncle)  who  say  'trying to contact your wife ?'

His question surprise Jatin a little as who he knows about his wife ! Seeing his confused face Ashok tell him 'I know you and Meera di never married with each other Mishti is the result of your two affair right Yana told me about it' .

Jatin take a long irritated breath and ask  'so you are here to fight with me about it !'

Ashok nods in no and take a cigarette lit it up taking a deep puff of it he reply  'no I don't care about what equation you share with Meera di and Mishti but i come here with a profitable deal for you' .

'What deal ?'  Jatin ask

Ashok offer him cigarette but Jatin refused so he start explaining about his deal  'see Jatin mummy(Sakshi) made Mishti lone heir of this house and by the  way Meera di ran away from this village years ago explains she doesn't want to settle down here so i have a offer for you , this house has a market value of 5cr currently if you convince meera di and mishti to sell this house you'll get money and they also use that money for future in short everyone will be happy and i get my commission what say !'

Jatin think about what Ashok said it's true Meera never wanted to live in this village he remembered how he offered her money thinking she'll go back to village but she adamant that she won't go back to village especially to her mother's house for some unknown reasons she never told him after Mishti's birth he thought Meera go back to her mother's house or to her siblings but she again told him that she won't go back so he decided to gave her monthly expenses which he can easily afford being from a rich family .,  he can continue to bare Meera's and Mishti expenses but now his wife and kids fight with him to cut off all ties with Meera and Mishti if this house really got sold in good value then both of them(Meera Mishti) never have to see his face and can lead a good life in city only .

He look at Ashok and ask  'why don't you talk with Meera yourself?'

Ashok stop smoking and answer  'well i never talk with Meera di before actually in childhood whenever i try to talk with Yana or Zari Meera di used to take them away saying there mummy won't like it after the news of Meera di's running away from here broke i saw Yana and Zari taking responsibility of this house and their mother soon i got close to them and Yana asked me for marriage which i said yes and we left so I'm too kind of a stranger to Meera di so why she would listen to me over her husband—i mean lover ! is that the correct word to describe your relation with her !'

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