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Continuing from previous part:-

Mishti open her eyes which are filled with tears her blurred vision drop on the dead bodies of her family members which now had addition of her granny's dead body too .

How this happened! In some hours her life changed so much her maa who loves her the most in this world laying lifeless in front of her eyes 😭 her brothers and sister with whom she created such beautiful memories in such short time their bodies covered in blood her aunts uncles even her father who she used to hate with all her might laying dead on floor why why this happened with her she never wanted any of this than why ??

Her eyes started to hurt because of continuous crying just then Abir entered in room now he look like he used to be totally normal .

He look at Mishti who looks back at him with such void face he understands her feelings right now but knowing truth is her right so he sit down till her level and start talking 'Mishti i know you are in shock and scared too heck who wouldn't be scared after seeing such horrific events it looks like some straight out of horror movies scenes but unfortunately this is all true your granny Sakshi Dobriyal is a decade old witch the body of her's laying here is not her own body she used to switch souls well technically she done it twice before stalling in this particular body ., by using this body or rather "personality" these witches referred she trapped your grandfather Partap Dobriyal and marries him things were going good until his untimely demise after that she kinda of went bad shit crazy as she somehow fell in love with him which lessened witches powers so to gain those powers back she tried using her kids in her rituals., your mother was a rebel from start and when she turned 18 she managed to ran away from Sakshi's clutches met your dad but Sakshi again dragged her back here and ready to gave her as offering to lord of Shadows and enters me in all of this' ..

Past flashbacks of how Abir knew everything about Sakshi and how he linked with Mishti :-

Sakshi calls out to lord of shadows to offer him Meera as sacrifice and in return get her full powers back but because of twist in fate Abir appears in front of her . Abir is too a very powerful hybrid wolf who performed many rituals as well fought many fights for lord of shadows who in exchange of his loyalty gave him immortality Abir holds great power in the society of lord of shadows but not enough to grant a witch her/his full powers .

Seeing him here Sakshi got confused as she summoned lord of shadows then why this hybrid is here ?

But before she could ask he starts talking 'greetings oldie i understand you were trying to summon lord of shadows but it seems like your luck is not on your side as a wild wind broke your pentagon symbol and you know the rules if anyone does a mistake in rituals lord send someone from his slaves to teach the fool worshiper a lesson and from some time this duty is given to me so tell me oldie how you want to die tonight?'

Sakshi is irritated because of her ritual going wrong gosh why she fell in love with Pratap if it was not him then she would've still has her powers . She curse her stupid luck for it but one thing is sure she doesn't want to die like this so she try to trade with Abir .

'What if i offer you something in exchange of my life !' she ask hopeful

'Hmmm then maybe i change my mind after all excepting offerings in exchange of second chances is allowed but what will you offer ?' Abir asked .

'My own flash and blood my daughter Meera as sacrifice to you wolf' Sakshi points towards Meera who was laying there unconscious.

Abir looks at her and say 'hard luck oldie but i don't accept pregnant women as sacrifice which means you didn't have anything to offer so ready to embrace death !'

Saying he took out his long paw nails ready to attack as his eyes turned red .

Sakshi looks at Meera shockingly as she didn't know Meera is pregnant but what do now she thinks while Abir is ready to kill her 'Wai—-wait how about this child in offering !'

'Huh !' Abir looks at her confused

She goes towards Meera putting her palm on her stomach she sensed something and say to Abir 'Meera is carrying a girl child in her womb i can sense it with my powers i offer this girl in Meera's womb to you as your next luna' .

Abir stop for a moment thinking about her offer he does needs a luna for himself but is it good idea !

He thinks about it and finally said 'fine i accept your offering i imprint this girl growing in your daughter's womb as my luna but mind you Sakshi if you every tried to harm her i ripped out your heart with my own hands' .

'Got it a deal is a deal' Sakshi said as she cleverly got away with her death ....

'So you see Mishti this all of this is in your destiny you inherited this'  Abir says and waits for her to say something anything at this point .

Mishti looks at him for some more minutes as if letting all of this settle in her head but in next moment she slapped him as hard as she could.

Abir's face turned towards other side because of the slap but he was expecting her to behave in such a way and not to lie it kinda turns him on/hard of her like for the first time he is feeling this se*ual  tension between him and her .

He face her as she held his collar and say while still crying but burning in range too  'who do you think of yourself huh making deal out of me ! bluffing me into believing you are a good normal guy and killing my family!'

'Woa woa woa wait i didn't kill your family members it's your granny who did it i just punished your granny for breaking the vow she made while making a deal with me she was trying to switch soul with you which is incorrect according to deal'  Abir clarified.

'Do hell with you and your deal I'm going to call cops'  Mishti says as she is about to leave room to inform cops or heck to inform anyone about this insanity.

But Abir quickly grabbed her from her nape and bring her closer to him now this scared/ intimidate Mishti as her lips parted and her body start to shiver.

'Maybe i wasn't clear enough for you before but now listen very carefully Mishti you are my luna means my bride the girl who i f*ck and who give birth to my heir so don't make this difficult for yourself and me and accept your inheritance'  Abir warns her and chills go down her spine.....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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