What unfortunate fate ..

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Continuing from previous part:-

Jatin finally talked with his wife and informed her about his stay here might be longer because of the business purposes though she didn't care much about him still she kept on insisting him to come back early as she having this weird feeling that something bad going to happen., he told her not to worry unnecessarily and disconnect the call he is about to return to his room when he saw Ashok clicking pics of rooms confused he go to him .

'What are you doing?' Jatin ask

Ashok look at him and reply 'well after you accepted my deal i inform clients about it one of the client planning to turn this house in a resort hotel so he asked me to send pics of rooms and house so I'm doing that only' .

Jatin felt little irritated by his hurry like he is doing things as if this house will be sold tomorrow only  'why you in so much hurry ? I didn't even talked with Meera till now and you are sending clients pics of this house! what if Meera denied to sell this house what will you do then ?'  he questioned him as he really don't know what Meera decided regarding this house she look more depressed from the day she been here .

'She'll definitely sell this house trust me i have known these siblings from childhood and one thing is clear they don't want to stay here by any chance , you know Yana and Zari used to get so scared of Mummy(Sakshi) in childhood that sometimes it appeared they might pee in their pants because of fear so I don't think they want to relive same kinda of fear once again in life'  Ashok say as he pulled out a cigarette start to smoke.

This new info bring so many questions to Jatin's mind why they feared their mother so much!

They both start going towards the 3rd floor where usually none of them till now visit ., upon reaching there Ashok start checking out rooms and click pics too they saw a big room at the corner of the stairs and it seems like the only room left in this house which they didn't see so both go towards that room trying opening it but surprisingly this room is locked .

'Huh ! Strange why this room is locked'  Ashok muttered in confusion as he trying to open the door .

'Maybe it's jammed come on let us both barged on door together and it'll open hopefully'  Jatin said and Ashok nods in agreement.

They both started pushing on door which seems like it not open but on their third attempt it broke down and open  a strong smell come out of it and both covered their nose confused by it ., Ashok flashed his phone light inside room and enter in first followed by Jatin.

Jatin try to find a switchboard in room he found an old wooden rack by his hand one glass jar rolled down from it and broke in pieces  Ashok flash light on it and both got shocked seeing what's in it .

That jar contains some dead insects with hair locks and fingernails .

'What the heck is this !'  Jatin ask in panic

Ashok too got panicked seeing this and he roams flash light in whole room and saw many other jars like this one and a pentagon symbol on floor with some cloth switched dolls  he remembered the rumours he used to heard in his childhood about Sakshi Dobriyal and by looking at this room he for the first time felt those might be true .

'Come let's first get out of this room i feel suffocated here'  Ashok said as he held Jatin for support urging him to got out of this room now .
Jatin nods as he too feels such negative vibes from this room so they both stepped out of this room and close it just like before..

'Village people used to say Sakshi often practice witchcraft in her house but that time i used to thought maybe it was all just baseless rumours like people can start saying anything bad about a single mother who raising her kids all alone and later when i started a relationship with Yana she never seemed like that so i stopped caring about those rumours but—-but now'  Ashok saying all this while smoking a cigarette sitting in outside garden with Jatin .  He told Jatin about his childhood and the things he heard in those days about Sakshi Dobriyal and Dobriyal siblings.

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