El Rancho

899 24 17

Requested by @weirdweirdo3

Word count: 2103

content: mention of sharp objects; kidnapping ; mentions of drugs; one-sided love  ;   Mexican Dream x BadBoyHalo

Mexican Dream POV:

I walk around the ranch wearing my bandana up to my mouth so that I don't breath in as much of the dust that the wind throws. My boots are already dirty enough and the wind brings it into my shoe at times. My hat protects my eyes from being blinded by the sun. I have been walking for what felt like hours. All for Mamacita's tiny calf that we lost. 

Mamacita left in the morning to get to the spot so that she could cook the food and do other chores. Meanwhile I had the privilege of sleeping late and having to round up all the cows and make sure they got to the second place safely. I lost a couple of calves though one was young and I found them a couple of minutes after I arrived. I left them with Mamacita so that they were taken care of. 

After a bit I arrive at a place where the trees are more abundant. This is a problem. I can track down the calf easily in the sand but when in grass it is a lot harder. I walk hesitantly to the savannah-like place and take out my machete in case I need to cut down any brush or fight something. The coyotes will love some young beef. I looked around for a grey calf or at least a sign that he was here. 

After a while I heard a small rustle in the brush and cut it down to see if the calf was there. Henry better not be in here. I cut down more before it reveals a small goat. Hijo de tu pinche padre porque no eres un toro. I look down at the kid and pick it up. If I find a good trade deal for a grey calf this is all I have to offer. 


"Shhhhhhhhhh your owner is going to hear me, I need some pozole as well."

I hear the faint sound of a twig break shortly after. It sounds like it is only 10 meters away. My mind starts to youxic a bit before I hear the sound of a moo. Specifically a young calf's moo. I sprint towards the direction to be greeted by a brunette with white eyes. 


The demon comes closer and closer before a small calf follows him. I trip, ending up on the grass and the goat still in my hands. 

"... nosotros…"

"Is this your calf?"

I look at him. Does Mamacita really love Henry enough for me to fight a demon? Do I even have my cross on me?


"Alright well here is your calf now give me my goat."

I basically shove the goat to him and grab my rope. I get up and run around him and grab his arm and put it over his neck. I grab the other arm and bend it behind his back before pinning him to the ground. 

"OoMf...Nice to meet you too."

"State your name and business on my rancho?"

"Your rancho? This is part of my ranch! Didn't you see your map? My land starts at the grass and ends at the end at the middle of the forest. If anything you should get off my ranch! State your name and business!"

" I am Mexican Dream and I am here to take back my calf. Now leave."

"First off hello I am Bad, secondly ok take your calf and third THIS IS MY RANCH YOU MUFFINHEAD. Even if I left I am still pinned to the ground."

"Fine. Adios"


I let him go and I walked off back to camp with the calf behind me. Man, that guy was scary. Mamacita isn't going to believe that I saw a demon…

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