FunHalo (FRIENDSHIP)- Memories

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I drew gender bend Techno :D

Warning: mentions of death and depression
(story is still kinda fluffy though)



Fundy POV:

I brush my hand through my ginger hair and watch as the small brunnete plays on the swings chatting with a raven haired kid around his age but taller, maybe by around five or seven inches. The brunette smiles broadly while the raven-haired kid talks sometimes pausing to laugh at most likely his own joke. He kicks the small puddles every once in a while and splashes himself along with his friend.

I look down to see a puddle with my reflection and I look over at my hand and then my face. My pale hand aches to touch someone like I used to. I haven't touched or spoke to anyone in years yet I still look young like when I was with my mom.

I remember I used to follow her around her ship when I wasn't with my dad. She would sometimes pick me up and spin me in circles in the air while I giggled and she smiled. One day I fell off the ship though and I woke up seeing myself on the deck with my mom crying. I started crying too, but she could not even hear me. I remember staying with her, following her until the ship sank.

After that I found my dad, but he soon disappeared. I have been wandering for years and I have seen the world go by. There are light sticks now and the buildings are very tall. One day I then found this small brunette a few days ago who reminds me of my mom and I have been following him around since. He is very nice and never really seems to talk.

I start to frown a bit and my eyes feel teary. I wish I could see her again...

A man soon yells for the children and they go back into the building in line. The building is bland with grey walls, white floors, light sticks on the ceiling, and a white ceiling to match the floor. They go in an orderly fashion into a large metal box which leads us to an identical room, but there are grey doors. The brunette is led into a room with the same structure as the rest of the building, but instead there are white beds with one book shelf beside each one and a window that covers half the room bringing in enough light that the light sticks aren't necessary.

The brunette sits on the bed closest to the door and lies down on it. He stares blankly at the ceiling and frowns.

"How long are you going to follow me for?"

I look around the room confused to see that he probably is referring to me.

He gets up from the bed and looks straight in my direction. His facial expression is neutral and he stares at me for a while.

"You have been following me for a while now, why? And who are you?"

"I'm Fundy."

My voice wavers a bit and sounds wobbly. Most likely because I haven't spoken in a while. I clear my throat and we stare at each other.

"Well why are you here and why do you just stand there sit down."

I sit beside him on the bed and fidget with my fingers a bit.

"Well I saw you and I decided to follow you, that's my whole reason. You remind me of my mum," my voice cracks a bit.

"I meant why are you in the hospital?"

"I was just following you and since you are here I am too."

He tilts his head to the side and frowns.

"But how did you get in?"

"Climbed the fence in the playground."

"How come nobody really notices you, even though you kind of stand out with the white streak in your hair. Nobody even calls you during phone time."

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