ʚ the one where yoongi confessed

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a few months, precisely three, have passed since yoongi and jimin started hanging out. yet the ravenette's feelings didnt help at all. they went to hang out alone together walking around the mall, a park, or just anywhere inside the enormous university ground.

the past few weeks, yoongi have came to the conclusion where...

"i like jimin. this isnt a crush anymore, fuck.." yoongi had said in front of his friends. he grabbed a handful of his hair as he leaned his elbows on his knees, sitting criss cross on his bed.

yet his friends showed no emotion. the one that says . . 'we already know, you're just blind'

"confess to him, love. if he doesnt like you back then thats fine! jimin is an angel, he wont stop hanging out with you." seokjin said and popped in a chip in his mouth.

"hey, i've got to say that vanilla is still better than every ice cream flavor out there." jimin pointed out as he licked his soft serve vanilla ice cream.

yoongi looked away, trying to avoid such dangerous situations. "agreed."

silence stretched between the two as they sat under the tree, watching their surroundings as they continued to eat their ice cream. the people that passed by, some were with their children, some were jogging around the park, some were couples that clung to each other as they walked.

he watched them all. yoongi watched them all as he pondered about his feelings. his oh so romantic feelings he had for the blonde male that sat beside him.

jimin was so close, their shoulders touched. yoongi felt the heat in his cheeks, the tiny hairs in his arms that stood as he froze when jimin slowly put his head on his shoulder.

the ravenette adjusted himself, attempting to lean his shoulder more on the crook of the younger's neck, wondering if jimin would somehow be more comfortable.

"dont move too much, hyung." jimin said, eating the last bits of his ice cream cone. "i like to bask in the warmth that your body gives mine." jimin said poetically, holding his hand out like he did in those theatre plays and chuckled.


"i have a question, hyung. i hope you dont find this offensive but... why do you stutter so much? im sorry, im just curious."


this is it. this is the right time. the right timing. maybe if i can slide this in my sentence.. it would come out smooth. okay. you got this, yoongi. dont fuck it up. okay okay, got it.

"that's because you're around." yoongi had finally let out. he heaved a deep breath, trying to think everything's gonna turn out fine.

"aww that's-"

jimin sat up, immediately staring at the ravenette with confusion building up inside him as each second passed by. "s-sorry, what? can you explain further..?"

"i-i mean.. i stutter so much because you are around. because i like you, that's all." yoongi said, shifting his interest on the grass that he plucked with his fingers.

the blonde didnt respond.

jimin didnt respond as tears slowly started blurring his sight. his lips quivered as he pouted, launching his body to the male, hugging him tight.

the ravenette was shocked. not knowing what to do so he just... placed his left hand on the younger's waist softly while the other patted jimin's back.

"yoongi..." jimin whispered, settling himself on yoongi's lap. he pulled away and cupped the confused cat-like male's soft blushing cheeks with both his small hands.

"i feel safe when y-you're with me."

jimin sniffled once again and wrapped his arms around yoongi's neck, hugging him tightly.

"im glad you confessed. you're so brave. a-and i like you too!" jimin scratched his closed eyes with his knuckles.

yoongi looked at him with a smile. he raised his hands to pull jimin's hands away from his face, now cupping the younger's cheeks. yoongi's thumb brushed away the tears that had cascaded their way down to his lips.

"can i take you on a date on friday and saturday then?"

"why wouldnt i want that?! of course you may!"

yoongi chuckled. "im glad."

"so am i!"


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