Chapter Twenty

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Tears flowed down Violet's face as she heard the familiar clown's voice she's heard once too many.

"Aww, there's no reason to cry my sweet little Vi. You're safe here. Come join us, they are waiting."He spoke to her showing a creepy smile.

"Why are you doing this!"She sobbed. The fear rising the longer she stayed standing defenseless against the locked old wooden door.

"Doing what? It's fun down here, your friends will be there soon too! Won't that just be fun!"

"No!"She screamed, she turned her back to the door and started slamming her fists against the door.

"Richie! Bill! Eddie! Someone help me please!"She called.

She really wanted Richie. To hold her and tell her it was going to be okay.

"Oh sweet innocent Violet you know he doesn't like you like you want him to. He's not coming to save you. He doesn't even like you as a friend let alone someone to love."The clown spoke in the background, laughing.

"No you're wrong. They are coming for me."She yelled, glaring at the clown through blurry eyes.

"Violet!"She heard the sound of Richie's voice and she felt a sigh of relief.

"Richie! Help."She called again, banging on the door to hopefully get his attention.

"He doesn't like you Vi. Just accept that. Your friends? They don't care about you why would they hmm? You're nothing to them. So why won't you float!"The clown taunted her.

She knew that her friends cared about her, they wouldn't abandon her they weren't like that.

"They wouldn't do that. You stupid idiotic clown. Go to hell!" She screamed back at It.

That seemed to have pissed off the clown as he started running at her, sharp nails and teeth showing.

She panicked as she back herself into the door praying, hoping. That Richie and Bill would get her out.

A scream ripped out from her throat as the clown got closer and closer to her. The door swung open causing her to fall back into the two boys arms.

As soon as they got her they slammed the door shut again.

As soon as she connected eyes with Richie's she slammed her body into his, needing comfort after that traumatizing event.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, gripping her tightly trying to help her calm down.

"Oh thank god!"She said, sighing in relief despite the racing of her heart and the shortness of her shaky breath.

"W-we need to find E-eddie. D-do you k-know where he is Vi."Bill asked, grabbing onto her shoulder.

She shook her head at him, suddenly realizng that their short brown haired friend was still missing.

"No, all I know was that he fell through a hole on the ground before being yanked away. We have to find!"And as if on cue the three heard a blood curdling scream coming from downstairs.

The three sped down the stairs and slammed open the door to the kitchen where they saw not only Eddie but the horrifying creature that is Pennywise.

Pennywise's dirty glove covered hand was over top of Eddie's tear streaked face as Pennywise turned to us with a glare.

"Eddie!"Richie called, worried about his friend, and mad at the clown for what he was doing to him.

"This isn't real enough for you Billy. I'm not real enough for you?"He mocked a look of sadness before grinning maliciously."It was real enough for Georgie."He cackled, before lunging at the trio.

Vi screamed and grabbed Richie's hand on instinct not prepared for what there was to come. Richie squeezed her hand back just as tight.

But before the clown could even touch them, Beverly had sprinted in, spike in hand she screamed before stabbing Pennywise right in the eye.

She backed away a few steps afterward Ben, Mike, and Stanley ran in close behind her.

"Get Eddie!"Richie called before Bill, Vi, Richie, and Beverly raced to the boy's side.

Violet squatted down next to Eddie opposite of his clearly broken arm. Her eyes widened at the sight of it.

The kids turned at the sound of the clown making a sound, they turned and Violet almost threw up at the sight of the spike that Beverly slammed through the clown's bright yellow eye.

It making the clown's eye puncture out of it's eye socket. Violet grabbed a hold of Richie's hand again, scared.

The clown jerked towards the kids teasingly before giggling at the sounds of the terrfied screams from the kids.

Before the clown turned towards Ben, Mike, and Stanley. The spike puncturing Ben's stomach.

"Ben!"Violet shouted out, scared for the boy's injury.

Luckily Mike had caught him in time before he could fall onto the filthy floor.

Then the clown looked to be doing a bow, limping backwards towards the basement door.

Bill stood up starting to follow the clown.

"Don't let it get away!"He shouted before going down the basement stairs.

"Bill, come back!"Violet yelled back at him, desparate to leave the house.

Richie turned towards Eddie, he panicked when he saw the state of his broken arm.

"Um, I'm gonna back into place."He shouted, before grabbing a hold of the boy's wrist.

"Do not fucking touch me! Richie! Do not fucking touch me!"Eddie panicked, although Richie didn't listen.

"1,2,3."Richie counted before twisting Eddie's arm, causing him to scream loudly in pain.

After that the losers all ran out the house and went to the closest parents out of them all.

Mrs. Kaspbrak's house.







QOTD:would anyone like to see a book with music recommends?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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