Chapter Six

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Almost a year has gone by, from when the young girl named Violet Channing had moved to the small town of Derry.

She had gotten closer to the Loser's Club over the course of that year, she felt complete knowing that she got the chance at meeting these four boys.

She felt at home when she was around them, they were like a second family to her. Someone who she could go to for help, great advice, and to just chill with.

But, after one stormy, gloomy, and cloudy night. Bill's younger brother, Georgie, had disappeared out of nowhere.

And ever since then, he has been super down on himself and is even more quiet around his small group of friends then before.

The other four try and keep his spirits up, but sometimes it's just not enough.

He has blamed himself, for not going out with Georgie. He would cry himself to sleep sometimes but he still believes that Georgie is still alive.

The group didn't know what to think, when he told them, but they didn't want to confront Bill and straight out tell him that his little brother was dead.

Violet had mixed emotions about the whole deal. She didn't know if he could still possibly be alive, or not.

She just shook off the thought, every time someone brings it up, she is smacked in the face with her negative thoughts.

She didn't know what she would do, if her little brother had gone missing. She would lose her mind, and have her heart shatter into a million pieces.

Richie, on the other hand, was trying to get the girl's attention, but he noticed that the girl was lost in a longing daze.

The ticking of the clock was what had awoken the lost in thought brunette, she then felt something hit the side of her head.

She glared at the floor where a balled up piece of paper was lying. Then her gaze switched to Richie, who threw her a cheeky grin.

One thing, that Violet would say about Richie was that his grin was very contagious to her.

So, of course she grinned back at him, before throwing her bright neon pink eraser at him, hitting him straight in the face.

Her grin turned into a sly smirk at the boy's shocked face.

"How does it feel, Rich."She asked, raising her eyebrow at him, mischievously smirking.

He shook it off, and playfully glared at her."I hate you."He muttered, loud enough for her to hear.

She faked a gasp, before staring at him and pulling a wink."You love me, and you know it."She smirked.

"More than you know."

You see that was what he was thinking, but he didn't want to say it out loud, so he kept his mouth shut.

"Jeez, can you two please stop flirting. It's sickening."Eddie gagged, from next to Bill.

Bill, Eddie, Violet, and Richie had shared the same last day of class, while Stanley was in a different class a few doors down.

"Awh, does little Eddie need attention too."Violet cooed, making Eddie roll his eyes.

Bill and Richie were trying not to laugh, but failed horribly at it.

"Shut it, Vi."He groaned, slamming his head down on his desktop. She rolled her eyes at his complaining before checking the clock to see the time.

5 minutes.

5 blazing more minutes until it was summer time. No more fake assholes and bitches. No more nagging teachers. And no more homework to most likely forget about.

With all those pointless thoughts, the bell had finally gone and the four quickly rushed out the door and out into the hallway.

Violet sighed in relief that school was finally over with for the time being.

The boys then started a conversation about Stanley's upcoming Bar Mitzvah.

"So there's this church full of Jews. And Stan has to take this super Jewy test. "Eddie started.

"But how's it w-work?"Bill cut in, confused about how it works.

"They slice the tip of his dick off."Eddie said, gesturing with his hands.

"But then Stan will have nothing left."Richie exclaimed, causing the group to let a few chuckles out.

"Hey, guys, wait."Speaking of Stanley, he came barreling down the hallway, squeezing in between Bill and Eddie.

"Hey Stan what happens at the Bar Mitzvah anyways, Ed's says they slice the tip of your dick off."Violet said.

"Yeah, and I think that the Rabbi's gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd, and say 'where's the beef.'"Richie said, causing the group to laugh.

"At the Bar Mitzvah, I read from the Torah, and then make a speech and suddenly I become a man."Stan explained.

"I can think of funner ways to become a man."Richie joked, causing Violet to playfully shove his shoulder, making him shoot a grin at her.

"'More fun,' you mean."Stanley corrected Richie, sighing at the boy's lack of wording.

"Oh, shit.''Richie muttered, as the five walked passed The Bowers Gang, who was shooting glares at them.

"Think they'll sign my yearbook. Dear Richie, sorry for taking a hot steaming dump in your backpack last March, have a great summer."Richie joked, after they got further away from the gang.

"Nice one, Rich."Vi said sarcastically, rolling her eyes at the boy, while the others laughed at their bickering.

"Oh, come on Vi. Don't be like that."Richie teased poking the girl in her arm, making her smack him in the arm.

The group continued walking, until Gretta came storming up the staircase bumping harshly into Stanley, causing Violet to get mad.

"Watch where you're going bitch."She shouted out to Gretta, who threw her the middle finger behind her back.

The boys shook their head at the British girl, before they all exited out of the school building for the next three months.

Violet smiled and breathed out a huge sigh of relief as she was excited for the summer to finally began.



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What she was wearing^






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