Chapter 14: Following Your Heart

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POV: Louis

I read the note over and over again trying to figure out what had really happened. She was trying to stall him? Why couldn't she say no? I threw the note and put my head to my knees. Was she trying to stall for me? Waiting for me to come rescue her? And if she said she didn't want to go with him, would he have hurt her? All these questions were running through my mind until it finally clicked. She had to say yes because he might have hurt her or even worse take her! She stalled by kissing him so when everyone realized she had been gone for awhile she would be outside my door. It was all starting to make sense! I burst out of the door and startled everyone.

"Where's Cassie?" I asked everyone. "Where is she?!" I was in a hurry I needed to go find her.

"Louis she left," Harry replied to me.

"I'm going to find her."

POV: Cassie

I walked down the London streets it was 8 o'clock and I was coming close to my apartment. My mind was running nonstop. I was regretting everything I ever did. I shouldn't of left so early. I should of tried harder. My cheeks were still wet from all the continuous tears. I headed for the place that only seemed right, the idyllic setting of the pond. I sat on the bench I had met Louis just 3 days ago. Was it possible to get so attached to someone and have such strong feelings for someone so quickly? I dug my toes into the grainy sand and closed my eyes. I wish I could go back in time, and tell Louis how much he meant to me.

Louis POV

Sprinting down the busy streets on London was actually more difficult than I thought. Dodging countless amounts of people, and keeping my speed was a hard task. But the only thing on my mind was Cassie. I needed to find her, I needed to apologize. I turned a corner and saw her apartment just a block ahead. With a big smile on my face I sprinted even faster to find my girl.

As I entered the apartment I wasn't sure where to go first. I stumbled and looked around yelling her name. Then I ran up the spiral staircase to the 7th floor, and found the door that had a big 14 on it. I knocked and paced around a little until the door swung open and I saw a women standing there."Sorry to bother you, but is Cassie here by chance?" I asked politely.

"Oh, we'll she actually isn't, sorry. I'm actually not to sure where she is," the women said, who I assume is her mother.

"Oh okay, thank you," I said half smiling. "My name is Louis by the way, it's nice to meet you." With a confused look on her face she reached out and shook my hand,

"it's nice to meet you to, you can call me Lilia," she said smiling at me me.

"Well Lilia, I'm going to go find your daughter and bring her back to you," I said with a cunning smile. I waved goodbye and began to walk away until I heard the door slam then I started to sprint again. I knew the exact spot where she was. I raced down the stairs and around a couple corners until I vaguely saw a body sitting on the bench. I took a deep breath and walked towards her trying to catch my breath.

"I know you come here when your in a bad mood," I whispered in a soft voice as I stood behind the bench. She jumped to her feet and turned around, I couldn't tell if she was scared or happy.

"Louis.." Cassie gasped astonished. She had been crying, her make up was running down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry, I should of stayed.. I just.." Cassie said quickly.

"Don't say anything, I'm sorry," I interrupted as I leaned in and kissed her lips before she could say anymore. She was surprised at first, not expecting me to kiss her, but she finally began to get in a rhythm. I bit her lip, asking for entrance as I grabbed her face and cupped my hands around her cheeks. She got the message by me bitting her lip and she let my tongue reach hers. She placed her hands on my neck pulling me closer, deepening the kiss. Our lips lingered on each other for awhile, and we didn't need to say anything more. This moment was perfect, and I wished if would last an eternity.

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