Chapter 30: The Pond

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POV: Cassie

'Cassandra, meet me at the pond pronto.


I looked across the kitchen table at Harry who was sitting there with a smug smile plastered on his face. I was just about to sit to eat my breakfast when suddenly a note in lousy handwriting caught my attention.

"What is going on?" I questioned, by the way Harry was sitting, he looked like he was holding something in.

"What do you mean?" He asked, "can't you and Louis just have a peaceful breakfast at the pond?" His hand covered his mouth immediately. "Oops."

"So it's a breakfast date, alright.. Thanks for the heads up Styles," I said casually walking by him and messing up his curly locks with my fingers. I slipped on my sundress and headed for the pond.

Harry, Harry, Harry, just can't keep a secret can he? I chuckled at the thought, smiling as I stared at the ground. When I picked my head up, I saw the pond, the bench, and a beautiful boy sitting on it. I didn't see any picnic set up, but I shrugged my shoulders and proceeded to Louis.

"Louis.. What's going on?" I asked. I was right, there was no picnic set up. In fact, Louis was holding the journal in his hands.

Louis didn't say anything but patted the vacant spot on the bench for me to sit. I took my seat and Louis opened the book, clearing his throat, preparing to read. Confusion crossed my mind, we had never read our entries out loud before. The entry started of normal, but then it took a different road. A road I didn't expect.

"December 22, 2011

My dearest Cassandra, " he spoke out loud.

"You know the smallest thing can change your life. And in the blink of an eye, something happens by chance when you least expect it and it takes you on a course you never planned, or into a future you never imagined. It can be as small as an unexpected meeting, which turns into a friendship or love," he looked up at me, his blue eyes shinning, I knew he was implying that that was me, and I couldn't help but blush, but I didn't know where he was going with this.

"or something as big as winning the lottery, but either way it takes you on a journey, a journey of a life time. But sometimes finding the light means passing through he deepest darkness, maybe someone close to you becomes very ill, or possibly even passes away. But then you find that light, and without even saying anything, that light tells you not to worry, that everything will be alright. You are my light Cassie, the light that helped me pass my deepest darkness, the light that will take me on a course I never imagined, into a future I never imagined." Louis flipped to a new page, my eyes not being able to see what the new page said. With a deep breath Louis looked me in the eye and smiled his beautiful smile, and stood up from the bench, only to get down on one knee before me. "Cassandra Evans," he says as he opened up the journal to reveal 4 words that were written boldly in big black letters. "Will you marry me?"


Favorite. Chapter. Ever.

I love you guys for reading! Please comment! I love talking to y'all :)

Thanks again!


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