Chapter 24: Lost For Words

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POV: Cassie

A week had passed from the horrible tragedy and finally the case had been resolved, Janet would be going back to jail. We were all so relieved.

I promised the girls we would go visit their mother today so we got picked up in a shiny black limo. Even though I'm not that famous, paparazzi still follow me and the girls. Trying to get pictures. We had to transfer limos so no one would follow us to the elders shelter. Once we reached the place we all exited hand in hand. I waved at the front desk lady because since Louis and I had been here plenty of times before, she knew who I was. We reached Jays room but before we could enter the lady that had been helping her told her she had visitors.

"Miss Tomlinson, you have visitors," the lady said. I imagine she nodded or said we were able to come in because the door opened and immediately all the girls ran in smiling from ear to ear.

"Hi Mummy," Phoebe said smiling as she walked over to her mothers bed and gave her a big kiss.

"Oh there's my darlings!" Jay exclaimed kissing each and everyone. "And who do we have here?" Jay asked looking in my direction. Fizzy grabbed my hand and pulled me towards Jay,

"Mom this is Louis' girlfriend Cassandra," she replied.

"My god. Why aren't you beautiful!" she exclaimed with a big side grin on her face.

"Not as beautiful as you," I said back giving her a little hug. I backed away from the bed where Jay laid so that the girls could have some quality time with their mom. The nurse who had been taking care of Jay pulled me aside, I read her name tag, her name was Beth.

"How's she doing?" I started. "Any better?" Beth took me outside and closed the door behind me. She looked around to see if anyone was here.

"She's getting worse and worse each day." Beth started. "Every morning we quiz on how well her memory was with a picture of her children and asking her who was who. She has all the names down, but she cant put the names with faces." Beth explained to me. My throat went dry as I was dreading the words that came next. "In a couple of months, she will forget them altogether." My mouth began to quiver and my hands started to tremble. How was I suppose to break it to the girls? Having someone forget you is one thing, but your own mother? That's totally different. "Every Alzheimer's is different for everyone, and it just so happens Jay will have long term memory lost. I'm so sorry," she said placing a caring hand on my shoulder. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. I looked down at my toes as my tears blurred my vision. Beth told me I should take some time and think about what is best for the children. I walked down the vacant hallway until I reached the end. I slumped my back against the cold white wall and slid down. I clenched my knees to my chest and felt my hands shaking and my eyes stinging. I have never cried as much as I have in the past 4 months. I decided that the girls should know as soon as possible and be told not only by myself but with Beth with me as well. There will be many questions that I wouldn't be able to answer so having Beth with me they could have a full understanding of what is happening. I picked myself up to standing and walked towards Jays door. Beth was still outside so I told her my plan. She agreed that that was the right thing to do. The only problem was.. Not every sibling was here. I've got no clue on how I would tell Louis.

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