Chapter 18: Better Watch Your Back

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POV: Louis

Being away from Cassie is literally killing me from the inside out. It's only been one week since we've seen each other, but it feels like a century. Although the tour does not start until May 2012, we still have to go and ramp ourselves up. Make sure that people know who One Direction is. That means early mornings and late nights of continuous interviews on shows and radio stations. Traveling from one state to the next in our tour bus. I have to say, it's a lot of fun hanging out with the boys. We just goof off and have a good laugh.

The journal came in yesterday. I was so tired last night that I knew if I started reading it my eyes would just shut. So I waited for this morning. I ripped open the yellow envelope and revealed the familiar journal that I had just seen a week ago. I placed my hand over the cover, and carefully opened the book and began to read. I read it over and over again. It was the very first time she had ever told me she loves me. And even though I don't get to hear it from her mouth, I know it is just as meaningful. I sat down with a black pen and wrote how I was feeling that day.

September 14, 2011

My dearest Cassandra,

It's hard for me to leave you in London with such big shoes to fill. I know that the feelings I have for you are true because not being by your side is slowing tearing my heart apart piece by piece. I hope your doing okay. And I hope you know that even though I am so busy and always working, I'm always thinking of you. I've been having a lot of fun doing these interviews. The boys and i play this game where we pick a word and we have to say it in that interview. Yesterday Liam had to say 'shower cubicles'. Its quite funny actually. I hope you and the girls are having just as much fun or more than i am. Tell my mom and the girls that I love them, and I want to make sure you know I love you too. I'll be seeing you.

Love, your Louis.

Perfect. Just enough to tell her what's going on but also romantic.

"Louis! C'mon," Harry screamed to me, "interview in 10!" I put the journal down and headed to the new interview station we were at today. 102.3 Star Radio. I walked in and immediately got harassed by the make up crew and my hairdresser, Lou. Once I was all dressed and looking all nice it was time to meet the radio host, Sam Smith.

"It's nice to meet you," I said to him as we shook hands. The rest of the boys did the same as we sat down. Sam Smith was very famous. He was that interviewer that you don't joke around with. He had a reputation of making nasty rumors from confusion on answers in an interview, so we had to be careful on what we said. The interview started just as any other, asking the same old questions.

"Alright guys, we need to know, who's single and who's not?" Sam asks.

"I'm single," Niall said raising his hand.

"Happily single," Harry said.

"And us three are currently seeing someone," I said pointing to Liam, Zayn and I.

"Ah I see, who are you dating?" Sam asked looking directly at Liam.

"A girl I met during the X Factor, her name is Danielle."

"And you?" Sam asked Zayn raising his eyebrow.

"Im dating Perrie from the band Little Mix," Zayn explained. Sam nodded his head, almost like an approval of both them.

"And you are dating?" He asked me.

"I'm dating a girl named Cassie." I explained smiling. Just the thought of her made me all giddy.

"I see, and how is that going?" he asked me.

"It's going really well thank you," I replied politely, remembering to be careful.

"How long have you two been dating?" I feel like he is targeting me. Hoping I would make a mistake.

"Um, a couple months or so," I said.

"You don't sound so sure," he said, his voice trailing off.

"Well I don't think the date when we starting going out matters too much, as long as we are still together and going strong.. That's all that matters. Right?" I said a little hesitant, looking at the boys for some backup. I know both Cassie and I don't remember the exact date when we started going out, we've talked about it. It doesn't bother either of us. We actually laugh about it.

"Well I'm not sure, it seems to me that you don't really care."

"When did I say I don't care?" I snapped back at him, my eyes piercing his. Harry grabbed my shoulder, reminding me to stay calm.

"You don't remember when you started dating," he replied in a rude tone

"That doesn't mean I don't care!" I stood up, fury streaming hot through my blood.

"Or is there someone else that's making you forget about poor little Cassie?"

My throat went dry and my eyes squinted into a nasty glare. I didn't even respond right away because that statement had no true relevance to anything. "No, there's Cassie as there's only Cassie," I said sternly.

"You seemed a little hesistant their Louis."

"Seriously? I just-"

"That's all the time we have left, here's One Direction," Sam said interrupting me. I threw the chair and slammed the door open. How dare he make me look so bad. Fists clenched, I pushed everyone out of the way. There was going to be an article about me tomorrow, a bad one.

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