Sleepless Nights

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For the past 2 weeks, Daffy has been having a recurring dream that was always the same. Bugs would tell Daffy that he loved him and never wanted to leave him. Then Bugs disappears and Daffy cries in a corner. He whispers, "I love you too." Then the dream ends. Daffy wakes up in a cold sweat everytime, and everytime he questions what it means. Daffy knows he's not in love with Bugs. He can't be. He hopefully had found his true love already: Tina. Daffy knows that if he fell in love with Bugs, then his whole life could change for the better, or crumble to pieces. "You're not in love with Bugs," he thought. "Unless... There's no way. You're not in love with him, and that's that." Only one minute had passed since his dream. Daffy just wanted a good rest so he could have a clear mind to think things through.

1 hour later 

Bugs was having a hard time falling asleep, because Daffy was snoring again. He could also hear him talking in his sleep, though he wasn't sure what he was saying. Bugs walked over to Daffy's room to see that the door was wide open. "I love you too, Bugs." Bugs could see that there was sweat forming on Daffy's forehead and a faint worried look on his face. Tears started to roll down Daffy's face while he slept. Bugs knew Daffy was having a nightmare, but he knew that if he woke him up, Daffy would wake up confused, scared, and possibly angry, depending on the "dream." Bugs closed the door and headed back to his room. As soon as he was about to open his own door,  Daffy screamed. Bugs walked back and opened the door to Daffy's room. "What happened?" Bugs was a little annoyed,  since he didn't get to get any sleep that night, but he couldn't be too mad since Daffy can't control his dreams. "I had a nightmare. "

"I know. You were talking in your sleep while sweating and crying. I meant, what happened in the dream? You seemed pretty scared."

"Uh..." Daffy knew he couldn't tell Bugs what really happened in his dream. That would be too weird. So instead, Daffy lied. "We were just watching TV. Then you disappeared,  and that witch was chasing me, trying to kill me. Then she disappeared and you came back, but this time you were trying to kill me!" Daffy stuttered his whole lie. Usually he was great at lying, to the point where it would be pretty believable. But this time, his real dream must have been messing with his mind. Bugs knew that Daffy was lying about his dream, but he didn't know why he seemed nervous to lie. He lied all the time. "Okay Doc... Are you okay?" Daffy was staring at the wall and wasn't really paying attention. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking,  thats all."

"Okay... If you say so." Bugs closed the door, walked back into his room, and flopped on the bed. He thought about what Daffy said in his dream versus what he said straight to his face. There was definitely something Daffy was trying to hide, but Bugs was too tired to care. Daffy, on the other hand, was thinking about his dream. "Why did I lie?", he wondered. "Bugs obviously knew I was lying... So why didn't he say anything? " At this point, Daffy started to talk to himself. "Didn't he say he heard me talking in my sleep? No wonder he didn't sthay(say) anything" Daffy's lisp was beginning to show more than it already was. "He probably hatesth(hates) me. Or maybe he just thinksth(thinks) I'm weird. Ehh, whatever. I'll worry about it in the morning. " 

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