A Recipe for Drama

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Both Bugs and Daffy woke up dreading the moment when they would pour their guts out to the other. 

They didn't know how the other would react, and that created fear. That fear is what makes them worry about what will happen next. They don't want to step into the darkness, they don't want to make the first move.

That's why someone has to do it for them.


They both agreed to go to Pizzaribba, to help take their mind off of their made believe impending doom. It worked. They were able to act like best friends, instead of a schoolgirl around her crush.

Apparently best friends look like a couple, because multiple people said so. They never confronted them, but they definitely still said so.

While Bugs and Daffy were starting to relax, Tina and Porky bumped into each other outside the restaurant. 


"Hey, Porky."

"Oh, h-hi Tina." Porky didn't expect to meet her out here. Then he remembered that Bugs had a crush on her "boyfriend." He knew Bugs said not to tell anyone, but this was important. "There's actually something really i-important have to tell you. It's about D-Daffy."

"What is it?"

"Bugs told me not to tell a-anyone, but he has a c-crush on Daffy."

"Really? Daffy told me he likes Bugs. He said he was going to tell him today."

"Bugs told me he would t-t-tell him today too!"

"Well, we both know they're going to be too afraid to tell each other."

"I-I have an idea."


Bugs gets a call mid conversation. He walks outside before answering it. Porky and Tina are hidden at the side of the building so Bugs and Daffy wouldn't see them.


"Hey Bugs, its Tina."

"Oh, hey Tina."

"I know about your crush on Daffy. Its fine to tell him. He won't hate you."

Bugs stiffened. "How did you know?"

"I could just tell. You weren't doing a very good job at hiding it."

"What about you and Daffy?"

"We broke up a couple days ago but agreed to stay friends. He didn't tell you?"

"Uh, no."

"Typical Daffy. Anyway, tell Daffy how you feel in 10 minutes. If you don't, I will."

Bugs sighed. "I'll tell him."

"Good choice. I'll call you in 15 minutes."

"Uh, okay."

Tina hung up. "I'm done. Now its your turn."


When Bugs got back to the table, Daffy's phone started to ring. He decided to stay at the table to answer.


"H-hi Daffy."

"Oh, hey Porky."

"Daffy... I-I know about your crush on B-Bugs."

"WHAT!?" Bugs gave Daffy a look.

"It was very o-obvious."

"What was obvious?" Daffy tried to play it cool and act like nothing happened.

"Your crush on Bugs."

Daffy was planning to say, 'I don't have a crush on Bugs,' but if he did then the rabbit sitting across from him would hear. So instead he said the next best thing. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes, y-you do. I want you to tell him in about f-five minutes. If y-you don't,  then I-I'll tell him myself. "


"I'll call you in a-around ten minutes to ch-check up on you."

"Okay..." Daffy was mad that Porky, of all people, had blackmailed him into confessing to Bugs. Daffy hung up, out of anger of course.

Bugs knew something was going on. Daffy got a call as soon as Bugs reached the table, and his call was about as long as his. Bugs decided to shake it off and checked the time. There was about five minutes until he had to tell Daffy. Plenty of time. Almost too much time.

The duck, on the other hand, was hyperventilating inside. They only gave him five minutes to prepare himself. He wasn't ready for this.

They both sat in silence, waiting for the moment to come, constantly checking the time.

Well, its time.

Bugs took a deep breath and decided to get it over with. "Daffy, there's something really important I need to tell you."

"What is it?" Daffy tried to answer as quickly as possible, hoping Bugs would talk about something that could take his mind off of everything. Then, he could just tell Porky that he didn't get the chance.

Bugs hesitated for a moment. "Why did you answer so quickly?"

"I didn't answer quickly." Daffy was still answering quickly.

"Uh.. okay. Anyway, this is really important, so I need you to pay attention."

"Sure." Daffy was willing to do anything to avoid telling Bugs-

"I have a crush on you." A wave of relief washed over Bugs. He didn't care about what Daffy's reaction would be. He just didn't like keeping things bottled up.

Daffy froze. He didn't understand why anyone would want to be romantically involved with him. Tina was his first real girlfriend, and he didn't understand why she had loved him either. So why would Bugs Bunny fall in love with Daffy Duck? Daffy is a below average duck who doesn't care about anyone but himself and lies all the time. He just overall wasn't a good person, and he knew it. He had so many questions to ask, so many things he wanted to say. It was just like the night before. He didn't want to break down in front of Bugs, but there were so many questions. So he asked, "Why?" It was the perfect question for this situation.

Bugs was about to answer, but he couldn't. He couldn't find a reason. The morning he found out... He just woke up knowing he was in love with him,  but he never wondered why.

The longer Bugs sat there in silence, the lower Daffy's self esteem got. It wasn't high in the first place.

"I don't know."

 Daffy didn't know what to say, so he sat in silence. He always hated that rabbit. 

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