Stupid Rabbit

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Author's note: This whole chapter is in Daffy's point of view.

I blew my chance.

I could have done anything. Said anything. I could just kiss him right now and remove the awkward tension from the air. But instead, I'm just staring at him. I see a very nervous and uncomfortable rabbit . Everything in me just wants me to kiss him, but my fake pride and ego won't let me.

Why did I have to be so stubborn? 

10 seconds later

That stupid rabbit can't take a hint? I'm obviously not going to make the first move, so he needs to see right through me! He needs to be able to tell that I love that stupid rabbit. 

I snap back to reality to find myself glaring daggers at Bugs. He looks annoyed and tired. 

"I'm going home, Daffy." Bugs payed the bill and left.

I sat in my chair for a couple of minutes until I got a call from Porky.


"H-hey Daffy. Did you tell Bugs?"

"No, he told me. What's going on?"

"What do y-you mean?"

"Why did Bugs confess when I was supposed to? Is this a joke that Bugs is in on?"

"He confessed when you were supposed to because..."

"It's a joke?"

"No, me and Tina set it up."

"Why would all of you guys team up to do that? To mess with my feelings like that?"


I hung up. Why would they do that? I almost confessed to Bugs. Tina broke up with me for this. Porky tricked me. And Bugs actually made me think that he loved me. If Bugs  was helping with that joke, then he already knows I have feelings for him and there's no point in telling him. I should have just kept the nightmares to myself.


I walked home, soaking wet, because the sky decided to have a thunderstorm.

I've finally reached the house, but the door is locked. I try knocking, but the thunder is probably too loud for that stupid rabbit to hear. I ring the doorbell, but nobody answers. I take a seat on the steps and just watch the rain. I'm shivering, but I can't do anything about it.

After everything that's happened today, why am I still in love with that stupid rabbit?

I can never answer my own questions. 


At some point, I must have fallen asleep outside, because I woke up in my bedroom. Maybe that whole day was just a dream, and this is really the day I confess to Bugs. I check my phone to see what time it is. Its 10:39, and its the day after I was supposed to confess. Which means that everything really did happen.

I didn't like that one bit.

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