Staring contest

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Daffy looked at the ground. "I still don't understand why we have to do this." 

"You're the one who said we have to." Bugs stared blankly at Daffy.

"Ugh." Daffy faced Bugs, then closed his eyes. "One, two, three, go!" His eyes shot back open and he stared at Bugs.

Bugs kept his eyes halfway closed, making him look tired. Every once in a while, they opened back up, but then rested halfway.

"Is that cheating?" Daffy's eyes were all the way open, and they were starting to get tired, while Bugs could go on for hours.

"No." Bugs continued to stare.


"This is how my eyes are most of the time." That wasn't necessarily true.

Daffy decided to put his eyes in their resting position. He looked surprised, mad, and confused, all at the same time.

"Why do you look like that?"

"Why do YOU look like that?" Daffy didn't like how Bugs was staring at him. It made Bugs look like he was madly in love with Daffy. Daffy assumed that was the case, but never really thought about it until now.

"I can do this all day." Bugs studied every bit of Daffy's expression.

He couldn't tell what he was feeling.

"Oh, yeah? Well, so can I." Daffy crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair.

"Even if I do this?" Bugs kicked Daffy under the table.

Daffy's expression turned to annoyance. "Stop cheating."

"Like this?" Bugs stood up and started to back away from Daffy, still keeping his eyes open.

"How is that cheating?" Suddenly, Daffy started blinking. "Hey, you cheated!" His face was filled with anger.

"No it isn't. You said it yourself." Bugs pulled out his phone which recorded the whole thing. 'How is that cheating?'

"What the heck...!?" Daffy stormed up to Bugs. "Why!? Why would you cheat!? THAT'S MY AREA!"

Bugs took a couple of steps back. "Because I wanted to prove that you couldn't stare all day. You would have died from boredom, anyway."

"You..." Daffy couldn't think of anything to say. "AAAHHH! You're so frustrating!" He looked at the rabbit's eyes. They were filled with amusement and worry at the same time. Daffy realized that Bugs liked seeing him angry, and will do things like this again.

Just to see an angry duck.

He decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. "And..." Daffy tilted his head and stared at Bugs as if he was trying to come up with the word. "Mwah!" Daffy kissed Bugs on the lips very quickly and ran upstairs, trying to avoid him. He ran in his room, locked the door, and caught his breath. He wondered if Bugs even really cared that Daffy kissed him. What if it's just going to encourage him?

Daffy opened his door and took a quick look around. Bugs wasn't there. He looked in Bugs's room. He wasn't there either. Daffy started to walk down the steps but stopped in his tracks. Bugs was walking up. He also stopped. Daffy ran away into his room and closed the door. He forgot to lock it and hid under his blankets.

Bugs opened up the door and sat on Daffy's bed. The duck stuck his head out. "How did you get in here?"

"It wasn't locked."

"You're not mad at me?"

"For... what?"

"The kiss..."

"No. Were you trying to make me mad?"

"Uhh..." Daffy went back under the covers.

They were both silent.

"What happened in your dreams?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay." Bugs got up from his bed and started to walk out of the room.

"Wait!" Daffy got out of the blankets. "I want to talk about it!"

Bugs looks at the reader. "Is he serious right now?" He walks back over the bed and sits down.

"They were... about you.... and... they started.... awhile ago...."

"Yeah. We covered that."

"Uh- they... you... it's like... umm..."

"Daff, if you don't want to tell me, then don't tell me."

"I want to tell you. It's hard to explain, though."

"Fine." Bugs crossed his arms. "Continue."

"It's almost like I could predict the future."


"Im not done. I- you told me that you loved me..." Daffy scratched the back of his head. "Then you disappeared." Daffy sighed. "Then I cried in a corner, whispering 'I love you too.' It was really depressing, now that I think about it."

"Huh. Dreams are pretty weird." Bugs looked Daffy right in the eye. "Wait- what do you mean, you could predict the future?"

"I had first that dream... 18 or 19 days ago. You confessed yesterday."

Bugs just stared at Daffy. "Oh. How long?"

"I just told you. I've been having the dream for around 18 days."

"No, how long have you liked me?"

"Uhh.... I don't know. Seventeen..." Daffy looked at the ceiling. "Seventeen years. I think. It might be eighteen."

"No. Romantically."

"Seventeen years. I told you."

"Seventeen years.....?" That was a long time.

"What about you?"

Bugs looked at the ground. "Two... days."

Daffy looked at the reader. "Well, that was anticlimactic." He turns back to Bugs. "It really was."

"Wait, you were dating Tina while being in love with someone else?"

Daffy shrugged. "Most of the time I didn't see it." He lied down and attempted to sleep for the second (or third, I don't know) time that day.

"Are you going to sleep.... again?"

"Yelling makes me tired." Daffy falls asleep after a couple of minutes.

Bugs stared down at the duck that loved him for so long, but never acted upon it.

The same duck that kissed him only a couple of minutes before.

Dreams (Baffy, BugsxDaffy)Where stories live. Discover now