(Almost) Complete Opposites

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Bugs stiffened. His gloved hands clenched on his newspaper. His ears shot up. He wasn't expecting this. Bugs hadn't kissed him back yet, so Daffy was pretty much making out with Bugs's front two teeth. 

Daffy stopped after a couple of seconds and stared at Bugs, studying him, searching for anything that could tell him that Bugs wasn't lying about what he said before. Instead, Daffy saw a startled bunny that was unknowingly destroying his newspaper. Daffy sighed and silently walked up the stairs to his room, feeling more heartbroken than he ever had in his life.

Bugs watched as the somewhat angry duck walked up the steps. He didn't know why he didn't just kiss him back.


Daffy locked himself in his room and stared at the wall. He didn't know what he was feeling and he didn't know what he was supposed to feel. He didn't yell, he didn't cry, and he didn't regret attempting to kiss Bugs. 

The duck looked back on his life. He realized he had been in love with Bugs since the day they met. He just didn't want to admit it. Daffy was a lot more invested in Bugs than the rabbit was in him. He thought about how he didn't want to tell Bugs because he wanted him to be happy. He didn't tell anyone else because Daffy felt like they would push him to tell Bugs. He failed at keeping his secret. 

"Just tell him," they said.

"You'll be fine," they said.

Daffy continued to stare at the wall. What was he supposed to do now? He couldn't act like nothing happened again.

He also didn't want to address the problem.

Daffy decided to just keep staring at the wall, waiting to wake up from his make believe nightmare. 


Bugs looked at the mess he made with the newspaper. Ripped up and destroyed, unable to be used again. Just like their relationship. He sighed and got up from his chair, starting to pace around the house.

He really wanted a way to apologize to Daffy.

It needed to show him how much he loved him.

He knew just the thing.


Daffy was still staring at the wall. Not a single tear left his eyes, but it looked like he was crying for hours. He heard a soft knock on the door and wondered if he should even open it. He decided to, just in case it was important. 

Bugs was at the door. Who else would it be?

"I'm sorry, Daffy. I was really surprised. I want to make it up to you."


"Like this." Bugs took Daffy's face and kissed him. They both were stiff at first, they were kissing their best friend. But they melted into it quickly. They savored every moment, and wanted it to last forever. 

It didn't.  They both needed to stop for air after a while. 

They looked into each other's eyes and tried to figure out what the other was feeling. They eventually gave up and looked away.

Daffy realized he just kissed Bugs Bunny. He was brought back to Pizzaribba. Daffy wondered why Bugs would ever love him. The idea that it could be a joke crossed his mind. 

If it was a joke, then Bugs wouldn't take it this far. 

So why did Bugs Bunny love Daffy Duck?

Daffy pulled himself back to his bedroom. He realized Bugs was staring at him, looking concerned.

"Why did you kiss me?"

"Because I like you, Daff. A lot."

"Why do you like me?"

Bugs was silent for what seemed like an eternity, but Daffy douted it was a full second. 

"Because you're you."

Daffy always hated that answer. It made him feel like there weren't any good qualities about him. "I'm just an angry, self absorbed, lying little black duck." Daffy's voice rose a bit. "I stheal thingsth in my sleep and snore, which keepsth you from sleeping. I'm unemployed, stho you pay for everything, and i lose a job as fast as I get one. I'm a weirdo and jerk." Daffy kept tearing himself down and Bugs hated it.  He hated how Daffy could only see the bad things about him.

"Daffy, stop."

Daffy ignored him.


Daffy looked up at Bugs and sat on his bed. "We're almost complete oppositesth, Bugsth."

The rabbit climbed into the duck's bed and lied down. He didn't say anything.

Daffy lied down next to him and stared st the ceiling. 

Eventually they both drifted off to sleep.

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