Daffy's Date

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Authors note: Thank you to everyone who voted on the story and followed me! I really appreciate it. 

As Daffy was heading out the door for his date, he bumped into Bugs, who was walking in. "Have fun on your date."

"See you later!"

"Bye!" Bugs closed the door and sighed. He knew he probably would never get a chance to be with Daffy. Daffy and Tina were a perfect couple and he knew it. Bugs was having so many conflicting thoughts, and he didn't know what to do. He just wanted Daffy to be happy. 


A certain little black duck couldn't focus on his date. Thoughts of his nightmares were flooding his mind, and once again he questioned his feelings for Bugs. What would Bugs have that would make Daffy dream about him? That would make Daffy... fall in love with him. 'Wait! What are you thinking? For the last time, you're not in love with Bugs!' While he was giving himself a lecture, he felt something, or someone, tapping his shoulder. He was pulled back into reality... sort of. Instead of Tina sitting across from him, it was Bugs. "Are you okay? The waiter is here to take your order, and you were staring at the wall looking like you were about to cry!"

"Uhh..." Daffy didn't know what to do. He knew he wasn't dreaming, this was too real. So why did he feel like he was looking at a lie?

"Well?" Bugs seemed annoyed and worried at the same time. Daffy knew this wasn't Bugs though. His accent and manner of speech was... off.

"Before I say anything,  I need you to say..." Daffy tried to think of something Bugs would say that would distinguish him from other people. 'Whats up, Doc?' was too easy. "I need you to say 'I think there's something wrong with you, Daffy.'"

"What? Why?"

"Just do it."

"Fine. I think there's something wrong with you, Daffy." Then Bugs added, "I really do."

Daffy was listening to the accent very closely. It was a New Jersey accent, and 'think' and 'something were pronounced correctly. When Daffy looked back at Bugs, he was gone. Instead Tina was there, looking worried. "Tina?... There's something wrong with me that we need to talk about." Tina knew Daffy usually didnt admit to something like that, so she knew he was serious. 


Daffy told her about the dreams, and his hallucination. She still looked like she was processing everything. He was scared of what her reaction would be. 

"I think you should tell him." Daffy was surprised with her reaction and how cool she was with it. 

"But... I don't even know if I like him that way."

"Well... then tell him about the dreams and hallucinations."

"That's weirder that just straight up telling him." Daffy just didn't want to tell Bugs at all. He really wasn't planning on telling anyone, but Tina needed to know. His parents kicked him out of the house when he came out as bi, so he assumed most people would react the same way. Its one of the things that made Daffy the way he was. So if someone asked what his sexuality was, he was straight. But the more he thought back, the more he realized he may had let some things show. Like the time he asked Bugs and Porky on a date in less than five minutes. Or when he tried proposing to a random man. Or when...

"DAFFY!" He was lost in his thoughts again. "Did you hear what I said?"


"I said before the dreams, how often did you think of him?"

"Uh..." He thought of him a lot. Whenever he was without him, he wondered if he was okay. When they were together, he wondered if he was happy. And every day he thought about Bugs, in general. He just wanted Bugs to be happy, and Daffy didn't know if he was helping the cause. "A lot."

"Do you think he's a good person?"


Tina smirked. She knew Daffy loved him, he was just in denial. She was here to help him see it. "Do you find him attractive?"

Somehow, Daffy started to blush. Even though he's said multiple times that he doesn't find Bugs good looking at all, in reality he feels the opposite. He honestly doesn't care for appearance, no matter what he made you believe, but he did find Bugs very attractive in both looks and personality. Daffy sighed. He knew Tina was trying to get him to admit that he liked Bugs, and he didn't like it one bit. "Yes." Daffy muttered.


"Yes." Daffy was mad she made him repeat himself. She obviously heard him.

"Last question." Tina knew this question had to be good, and something to reveal what Daffy really felt. "Well, actually, two questions. What's your sexuality, and whats the best thing about Bugs?"

Daffy started to sweat. A lot. He stared down at the table and refused to make eye contact. He didn't know if he should tell the truth with the first question. Maybe lying would get Tina off his back. And the last question... Daffy didn't even know the answer. He thought for a minute and then replied. 

"I'm bisexual." Daffy tried to sound confident, but his nervousness got the best of him.

Tina wasn't surprised Daffy was bi. She saw right through him.

"And I can't... I can't just choose one thing." Daffy slumped down into his chair and looked to his left. The waiter was still there, waiting to take their orders, looking bored out of his mind. Daffy and Tina ordered, and waited for the waiter to disappear around the corner.

"Go tell him. Its obvious you love him."

"No, I-" Daffy stopped talking. He didn't even know what he was going to say to defend himself. "What about us?"

"We can still be friends."


They spent the rest of the "date" hanging out, and Daffy was able to keep his mind off of Bugs and just have fun. Daffy felt like maybe Bugs would react in a positive way like Tina did. He decided to tell him tomorrow.

Authors note: If you have any criticism or requests, please put it in the comments. I hope you enjoyed this chapter,  more are coming soon!

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