chapter 13 - The Zeppo

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Pretty much the whole gang was out hunting tonight. It wasn't just some normal patrol night. It was a demon pack. 

It was in a cave. There was a thick mist obscuring the view. 

A red-eyed, bluish-gray skinned demon angrily searched through the fog. 

Two more lied dead on the cave's floor. 

I was standing in an alcove, watching the demon's movements. 

Buffy was up on a ledge, watching the demon anxiously.

Giles was off in a corner waiting for the right moment. 

Willow slowly stepped around the corner of the cave entrance carrying a large lit candle. When she was in view of the main chamber and sensed the moment was right, she quietly spoke her spell. "Obscurate nos non diutius.

Willow blew out her candle. 

A wind quickly pulled the fog out of the cave.

The demon was now clearly visible to everyone. Its teeth were sharp, yet there were no fangs. It had very long pointed ears and a series of horns starting just above its eyes and continuing up on its high, thick forehead. It growled, turning around, trying to find us. 

Buffy jumped from the ledge, tackling the demon to the ground. Giles came out of his corner, grabbing one of its arms. Buffy grabbed the other, scrambling to her feet. They dragged the demon up, slamming it against a wall. It wrapped its arm around Giles' shoulder, throwing him off, making him hit the wall, falling to the ground.

"Now!" Buffy told us. 

I jumped out of the alcove, holding a sword up in both hands, charging at the demon, plunging it through its heart before it had a chance to react, making him scream, pulling the sword back out of the demon's chest.

Buffy let the demon go, letting its body fall to the ground. 

Giles rolled out of the way as it hit face down on the ground. 

Giles rolled back a bit, looking at the body lying next to him.

I lowered the sword, looking down at the demon, relieved that the fight was over. 

"I think that was the last," Giles told us.

Willow came out from the entrance, shaken but forcing a smile. 

Buffy helped Giles stand. 

"Willow, you okay?" I asked. 

Willow breathed heavily. "Yeah, I'm fine. Th--the shaking is--is a side effect of the fear." 

Giles stood. "Thank you." 

Giles took off his glasses, rubbing his eyes. 

"Well, if it wasn't for that clouding spell..." Buffy trailed off. 

Willow smiled. "Yeah, it went good." She looked at the candle. "Nothing melted like last time." 

"These babes were wicked rowdy," I told them. "What's their deal?" 

"I wish I knew," Giles told us, crouching down, rolling the demon over to get a good look at it. "Most of my sources have dried up since the, uh, Council has relieved me of my duties. I was aware there was a nest here, but quite frankly, I expected it to be vampires. These--these are new." 

"And improved," I added. 

Giles stood. "Yes. I'm sorry. I should've had you better prepared, and I should never have allowed Willow and, uh..." He looked around. "And, uh..." 

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