chapter 5 - Homecoming

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Buffy, Willow, Oz and I sat at the bar at the Bronze, drinking sodas and eating snacks. 

Buffy seemed preoccupied, idly playing with a cookie.

Cordelia and Xander walked in behid us, taking a place at the end of the bar.

"I think we should get a lino," Cordelia told us. 

"A limo?" Xander repeated.

"Yeah," Cordelia answered.

"A big, expensive limo?" Xander asked. 

"That sounds like fun," I told them. "And it's our last Homecoming Dance, so maybe we should make a big deal of it."

 "You wanna talk fun?" Xander asked. "Public bus. You meet the funnest people." Cordelia looked at us with a disbelieving look. "Back me up here, Oz." 

"Well, if it's a dollar issue, we could all take my van," Oz told us. 

"Van?" Cordelia repeated. "The Homecoming Queen doesn't go to the dance in a van. Use your head."

I rolled my eyes. 

"Well, technically, you haven't been elected yet," Willow told her. Cordelia gave her a look. "Although you certainly and without a doubt will be." She looked at us. "Who else likes a limo?" 

Xander smiled. "A private limo. It--it is pretty..." He took Cordelia's hand. "Cuddlesome." He looked at Buffy. "And if we all split the cost..." 

Buffy came out of her reverie. "Um... Maybe. You know, if I go and all." 

"Why wouldn't you go?" I asked. "You already have your tickets. I mean, unless you don't have a da..." I noticed Scott approaching. "Day or two to think about it. We should all think about it."

I hoped I didn't mess anything up for Buffy with Scott standing right there.

Oz gave me a smirk.

Cordelia was confused. "What's going on here? Did Scott not ask her to the Homecoming Dance yet?" 

"Thanks, Cordelia," Buffy told her sarcastically, embarrassed. "Humiliation's really good for my color." 

Scott was unsure. "Oh, um... Well, no. I just... I assumed that you would think it was corny or something, but I--I'm in. I mean, you know, if you are, if you want to." 

"Uh, sure," Buffy told him. "I do. You know, if you want to."

"Well, I do if you want to," Scott told her.

Willow and I exchanged a look, smiling. 

 Oz smiled. "The judges will accept that as a 'yes'." 

Scott looked at Buffy. "Do you want me to get you another drink?" 

"Um, no actually," Buffy answered. "Uh... I'm a little tired. I think I'm gonna call it a night. But I'm excited about the dance." 

Buffy smiled.

"Me, too," Scott told her.

Buffy leaned toward him, tugging gently on his jacket, kissing him sweetly. 


Today was picture day, and everyone was taking pictures in the cafeteria. Xander had given a goofy smile. Oz just looked into the camera. Cordelia had did her diva look. I actually smiled, unlike some people. Willow had smiled, but when the guy had taken too long to take the picture, her smile had fell, and she looked confused.

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