chapter 9 - The Wish

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this is the episode when Cordelia meets Anya and wishes that Buffy had never come to Sunnydale :) I'm super excited to write about Vamp!Zoey. In book one, if you read it, you know that Jesse wanted to turn her, and he did, and they're together... but for how long? 

At a large park during the day, A monster had Buffy pinned to the tree behind her by her throat. It had tentacles coming off of the back of his head as well as the front in place of lips. His teeth were placed vertically between the two center tentacles. His scaly green skin glistened with slime. 

Buffy yelled out desperately. "Nnrrf! Nnnrrf!" 

The monster had knocked me out earlier, and I was sitting up, coming to. 

At the table, Xander and Willow frantically searched through the bag of weapons.

"Oh, God!" Willow said. "Demon! Demon! What kills a demon!" 

 Buffy struggled with the monster's hand at her neck, but couldn't get it to budge and had a hard time breathing. "Nnrrf! Nnrrf!" 

I stood, running toward him, kicking into his back, making him drop Buffy to the ground. Buffy gasped for breath. The monster turned to face me. I stood ready to fight, a little nervous. 

"Oh, Nerf," Xander said. "Not Nerf. Knife!" 

Xander ran toward us, tossing the knife to me. 

I caught it, stabbing it into the monster's chest, killing him. He fell over dead.

I walked toward Buffy, helping her stand.

"Okay," Buffy said. "That was too close for comfort. Not that slaying is ever comfy, but... you know what I mean." She took a deep breath. "If you guys hadn't been here to help..." 

"But, we were, and we did, and we're all fine," Willow told us. She looked down at the monster. "Isn't he gonna go poof?" 

"Mm, I guess these guys don't," I told them. "We'll have to bury him or something." We walked over to the picnic table. "Makes you appreciate vamps, though. No fuss, no muss." 

 Buffy sat cross-legged on one end of the table. I sat on the other. Willow and Xander sat on the bench below and between us on either side of us. Willow grabbed a drink. 

"So how come Faith was a no-show?" Xander asked. "I thought mucus-y demons were her favorites." 

Xander munched on a bar. 

"Couldn't reach her... again," Buffy answered. "She hasn't been hanging out much." 

Buffy reached for a snack.

"I detect worry," Xander told her. 

"A little bit," Buffy answered. "Slaying's a rough gig. Too much alone time isn't healthy. Stuff gets pent up."

Buffy took a bite.  

"We should try to do more socializing with her," Willow told us.

"Well, burial detail aside, does this cap us off for the day?" Xander asked.

"You have plans?" I asked. 

"I cannot stress enough how much I don't have plans," Xander answered.

"No luck reaching Cordelia?" Buffy asked. 

"I've left a few messages," Xander told us. "60... 70. But you know what really bugs me?" He looked at Willow. "Okay, we kissed. It was a mistake. But I know that was positively the last time we were ever gonna kiss."

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