chapter 14 - Bad Girls

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Faith, Buffy and I were hunting after dark in the cemetery, fighting three leather-uniformed vampires, falling backward onto the mound of a fresh grave with the vampires above us, trying to bite us. 

Faith looked at me, struggling with her vampire. "So, what, you're telling me never?" 

"Faith, now is not the time," I told her.

"I'm curious," Faith told me. "Never ever?" All three of us kicked up both legs, sending the vampires rolling over and off of us, do back rolls into standing positions. Faith looked at me. "Come on, really. All this time, and not even once?" 

Faith's vamp tried to punch Faith. Faith blocked the move, grabbing his shoulder, flipping him forward onto the ground.

"How many times do I have to say it?" I asked. My vamp tried to punch me. I ducked. "I have never--" I back-hand punched him. "Done it--" The vampire staggered backward into a lamppost from the force of my punch. I spun toward him. "With Xander!" I staked the vampire in front of me in the heart, killing him, making him burst into ash. I looked at Buffy and Faith as they continued to fight. "He's just a friend."

Buffy attacked her vamp, log rolling in midair, kneeing him in his back, pushing him to the ground. She staked him in the heart, killing him, making him explode into ash.

Faith back-hand punched her vampire, turning around, grabbing his shoulders, kneeing him in the gut, making him back into the lamppost behind him, staking him in the heart, killing him, making him explode into ash. She turned to me. "So? What are friends for? I'm mean, I'm sorry." She smiled. "It's just, all this sweating-nightly, side-by-side action, and you never put in a for a little after-hours?" 

Faith thrusted her pelvis forward, grunting.

Buffy raised her eyebrows. "Thanks for the poetry." 

"And, no, I love Xander," I told them. "I just don't... love Xander. I think it ruins friendship to do that stuff. Besides, hello, Oz." 

"You think too much," Faith told me. "Hello, yeah, it'd be like an animal, but werewolf and Potential?" 

"How is it any worse than a vampire and a Slayer?" I replied.

"Hey," Buffy told me in defense. Faith and I chuckled. "Angel and I aren't like that anymore." 

"Anymore," Faith repeated. "God." 

I took a closer look at the boot prints on the muddy ground. 

Faith started to walk away.

"Hey," I told them. "There's one more." 

"How do you know?" Buffy asked.

I nodded to Faith, using her words. "I think too much." 

 We walked forward, following the extra set of prints.

It led behind a gravestone.

"Okay," Buffy told us quietly. "Count of three. One..." 

Faith umped ahead, shoulder rolling over the gravestone.

The vampire wasn't there, but he ran toward Faith, also dressed in the leather uniform. 

Buffy disapprovingly watched the fight start.

I shrugged, looking at Buffy. "Three." 

Faith tried to do a roundhouse kick to the vampire. He caught her leg right before it connected with his head, grabbing her shoulder, spinning half-way around, throwing her against a tall gravestone, making her fall to the ground. 

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