chapter 15 - Consequences

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I was underwater, doing my best to hold my breath, but couldn't continue for much longer. I frantically tried to get to the surface.

Below me, the man Faith had killed grabbed my ankle, pulling me down.

I kicked and flailed my arms, desperately trying to shake loose. Eventually, I managed to break free of his grip and swam to the surface. I broke through and gasped for breath.

There, kneeling on the dock above, Faith reached down and pushed me back underwater.


I woke with a start from the nightmare, realizing I was in my room at home, that it was just a dream, breathing heavily. I sat up in bed and looked around my room. I pushed the blankets back, standing up, walking out into the hall.

I could hear the news on the TV in my mother's room.

News Anchor: "We go now live to our field reporter, who is standing by at the waterfront with this breaking news about the murder that has shocked the Mayor and residents of Sunnydale."

I could see the TV from the hall.

It was showing footage of the boat retrieving the man's body.

Field Reporter: "Fishermen discovered the body today, the victim of a brutal stabbing. Authorities and citizens alike were shocked when the slain man was identified as Deputy Mayor Allan Finch."

I couldn't believe that they not only found the body, but that he had been also a public figure.

Field Reporter: "Still reeling from the news, Mayor Wilkins had this to say."

The news cut to the Mayor at a press conference. "Mr. Finch was not only my longtime aide and associate, he was a close personal friend. I promise you I will not rest until whoever did this is found and brought to justice. Thank you very much."

My mom noticed me standing behind her. "Oh, honey, you're up." She turned back to the TV. "Oh, it's just terrible, isn't it?"

I didn't know what to say or how to react.


At school in the library, I was sitting on the study table.

Buffy and Faith were sitting in chairs at the table.

Wesley paced.

Giles was sitting at the far end.

Wesley looked at Giles. "I want you to look into this. Find out everything you can about the murder of the Deputy Mayor."

Buffy and I exchanged a look.

Buffy looked at Giles and Wesley in nervous confusion. "But that's... I--I mean, that's... That's not really our jurisdiction, is it?

Faith was eerily calm. "It's no big, B. We'll get into it if he wants."

"No, Buffy's right," Giles told us. "The Deputy Mayor's murder was the result of human malice. There's nothing supernatural about it."

"We don't know that for certain," Wesley told us. He spoke brightly. "I say it merits investigation."

Giles stood, walking around the table. "Which I'm sure the police are doing. Meantime, if you ask me, there are better uses for the Slayers' and the Potential's time."

Wesley looked at Giles snootily. "Ah. But I don't believe I did..." He held the daily paper out to Giles. "Ask you."

Giles took the paper away. "Considering the success of your previous adventure..."

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