Chapter 0: Armin

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Author's Note: Thank you all for 600 reads! If you're from tiktok make me feel special and drop an emoji at the end. And no, I totally didn't add in an extra scene that no one told me I missed! ;) Anyways, enjoy yourself! And let me know what grabbed your attention ❤️ /

"You're still stuck on the seasons huh?"

"The way the world works is amazing! I'm constantly impressed by the advancements of science...", Armin's voice trailed off excitedly.

Right now he was focused on the fall, meanwhile you hated the cold but it never seemed to bother him. It's the summer semester and everyone is in class trying to catch up. Meanwhile, you and Eren were taking a 'break'. You wondered if that was his excuse to sleep with Mikasa, but two can play at that game. Juniors about to become seniors...or dropouts. You two were ways from campus though, as Armin felt that living alone suited him better than pairing up with a roommate.

You were surprised to even made it to this point in your academic career, while you did have extreme resolve, you often were the person turning in homework last minute, barely passing quiz, and not one to engage in extra credit. Admittedly, your life had been busy and so had the affairs of your heart. Thankful though, Armin was one of your first friends and comrades, who helped you pass by the skin of your teeth. As the summer semester came to an end you found that you didn't have much time for anything else, but today...

Today was a weird exception. It was a full moon and you turned off your phone. You don't know why you did that, but you'd soon regret it later more than you realized. For now, you walked over to Armin's desk with one of your favorites that he'd only skimmed over . The Great Gatsby. You leaned against the desk and looked to him, asking If he had read it. Again, he only claimed to 'skim it over', but you knew there was nothing simply skimmed over if it made it to Armin's personal book collection.

"You don't just skim over the classics, Armin. Schools teach this everywhere, there's movies about it, and- it's iconic! " you declared, before picking up the book and running your fingers through the worn pages.

"And is the commercial success of this book why its considered classic?", he asked with a smug smile, before taking the book away from you. You huffed in disbelief, rolling your eyes as he took the book away, carefully examining the pages for any new wear. Once he found none, he walked over to it's specific spot and put it away, letting his fingers linger on it for awhile. He watched as you were busy admiring his growing collection.

"Maybe not, but I know there's a reason it's in there, Armin. I know how you feel about your literal works.", you finally chimed in.

You shrugged your shoulders so the sweater you wore in your second to least favorite season would stretch out and you would get to keep myself warm in his dorm. Looking at his phone light up, the clock just struck midnight, but you looked away after that. You weren't together so you needed not concern myself with his affairs. You just enjoyed his company, the books, warm coffee and conversation, and the vanilla sensation of your relationship that coated your dealings.

He sat down some coffee in front of you. "Threw some Bailey's in there too, I'd figure you'd like the taste."

You nodded to him before sitting down on his bed. He was right. He stretched out onto his bed, computer in hand, coffee on the nightstand. You watched him scan school emails for a minute, before finishing the coffee drink with liquor contents a bit too quickly to your liking. However, after tasting it, you did the same, which wasn't much surprise to you guys, as Armin was the one who wasn't too heavy on drinking. You silently slipped off your shoes while he looked through emails, crawling up to his side and watching himself worry over things he can't change in the nighttime. You settled into his side and he gave up, closing his computer and tossing it to the side.

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