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~chapter nine~

"She said that?" EJ asked in shock, as he slammed his locker shut. "Pretty much word for word, yeah," Ricky nodded. He rested his head against his locker in frustration, as he flashed back to the argument he had with Nini earlier that day. It was crazy that one of the only conversations he ever had with her led to that.

He wished he hadn't kept their conversation going long enough for her to say that. But it still annoyed him. She barely knew him or EJ, she had no right assuming either of their lives were perfect just because hers wasn't. With everything Ricky had been going through for the past couple of years, someone assuming anything about his personal life was the last thing he wanted.

"Well, what did you say back?" EJ asked. "I may..or may not, depending on your reaction...have called her a bitch," Ricky answered. "Seriously?" He replied, in disbelief. Ricky was never one to insult people (in a non joking way) so hearing that he actually called Nini that and meant it was shocking. Ricky truly was embracing his feistiness today. "So you called two girls bitches today? I feel like I don't even know you," EJ joked.

"Okay, it was not my fault. Both of them provoked me, and it just slipped out. And I'm sorry, but it was well deserved. She doesn't even know me, she can't just make assumptions. Plus with everything going on with Anna today, I was already in a bad mood," he defended. "Well, your mood is about to get a bit worse because she's on her way over here," EJ told him.

Ricky opened his tired eyes fully to see Nini approaching both of them. "Please punch me in the face," he sighed. "Now, now. I only punch you when you're annoying me. For now, I'll watch you lose your sanity," EJ responded teasingly. Within seconds, Nini was stood before them. There was an awkward silence between the three of them. Even though they weren't dating, EJ felt like he was third wheeling.

The two of them were just staring blankly at each other. Ricky didn't appear annoyed, but EJ could tell that he was using his unbothered expression to mask his frustrated expression. After a few seconds, EJ grew tired of the silence. If she was going to apologise, he'd appreciate it if she just did it hurriedly. "Well, do you have something to say or..."

Nini took her eyes off of Ricky momentarily to look at EJ as he spoke. "Oh yeah, Ms White is probably going to want to see our progress on our project pretty soon, so I figured we'd need to compile both of our research so far together to give to her," she said.

Ricky turned his head to EJ and he was no longer masking his frustrated expression. To anyone who passed them in the halls or anyone who could see them from a mile away could tell that he was just flat out annoyed. And once again if Ricky was annoyed, so was EJ.

"That's it?" EJ asked, not believing that that's all Nina came over to talk to them about. She must've had the intention of apologising. She had some human decency..right?

"Pretty much so. Do you have anything you want to say?" She asked nonchalantly to both of them. Ricky scoffed at her as he picked his bag up from the floor. He understood that she apparently had a not-so-perfect life too with whatever the hell she had going on, but that wasn't any justification to be a shitty person.

"We've spent weeks doing this project individually without any communication or cooperation whatsoever. I think I like it better that way, so let's just stick to that," he said to her, which caught her by surprise. You could even tell by his tone of voice that he was pissed. "Okay, so we should just fail?" she questioned. "Yes, Nini. I'd rather fail than have to talk to you, so if you'll excuse me," he replied without hesitation as he stormed away from her.

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