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~chapter twenty two~
tw: mentions of depression

Ricky's leg bounced anxiously under the desk as he awaited the test results from his teacher. He knew what the outcome would be, but was hoping that somehow it would be different. "Relax, maybe she won't be that mad," EJ stated. Ricky rolled his eyes, knowing that EJ's hopeless reassurance wouldn't do anything.

"Mr. Caswell, you passed. Barely. Studying may come in handy in the future."

They both looked to their left, making eye contact with their teacher. Ricky sighed deeply knowing what was about to happen. "That's why you're wrong. I did study," he argued, taking the corrected test from his teacher with an annoyed expression. "Study harder," the teacher added.

"Although. Your grade makes you look like a model student in comparison to your friend here. Maybe you guys should organise a study group," she suggested sarcastically, as she proceeded to hand Ricky his own test sheet, before walking away.

He didn't want to look at it, knowing he'd be beyond disappointed at what it said. He already knew he didn't pass, he didn't need to see it up close.

"Huh, 52%. Better than last time. I'll just stick to basketball, I didn't want to be a scientist anyway," he shrugged. "What did you get?" EJ asked him. Groaning slightly, he turned over the paper so he could answer the question properly.

He grimaced as he looked at the grade at the top of his paper, written in bold red marker. Almost as if it was screaming at him: You're a failure.

"Take a look," Ricky instructed, showing his friend his test result. EJ's eyes widened, before he shut them more, not wanting to make Ricky feel worse than he already did. "Meh. I'm sure you could've done worse," he comforted, laughing nervously. Ricky squinted his eyes at him in confusion. "How on earth would I possibly do worse than a zero? Do you want me to break the system and go into the negative numbers?"

EJ held hands up in defence, not wanting to deal with more of Ricky's emotional outbursts. Ever since whatever the hell happened between him and Nini, he'd be an emotional wreck. Jane swears she heard him crying in his room, but he wiped his eyes just as she came in. With all his mood swings, he was either heartbroken or pregnant.

But Nini wasn't a heartbreaker. So maybe he was in his third trimester.

"Hey, don't snap at me. I'm not the one that failed you," EJ defended. Ricky rested his head on the table in disappointment, staring off into blank space. "True. I failed me," he replied quietly. And here he was again.  Back in his dark place. But this time, it was only getting worse, which he didn't think was possible.

He had barely eaten, both of the Caswells noticing his severe lack in appetite. He would hardly come down for breakfast, he would only pick at his food at dinner time. Everything that used to make him happy or bring a smile to his face was either gone or no longer working. Basketball games, video games. Annabella, Nini. Nothing was making him the slightest bit happy, and he hated it.

He moved slowly, through the halls, up the stairs. At all times, he just seemed exhausted. Both from his lack of energy and from his lack of sleep.

He was just not happy. And he didn't know how to fix it.

"That's not what I meant-"

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